Menurut Dianna Yanuaresta, coding menjadi bidang ilmu yang menyenangkan untuk dipelajari. Terlebih bagi para pecinta matematika dan yang suka melogika suatu hal. Bagi mahasiswi Program Sarjana Teknik Informatika Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) itu, mempelajari coding memberikan manfaat dalam hidupnya, apalagi untuk mendongkrak perekonomiannya.
“Coding is the source of my income. Even though, I haven’t graduated yet, I’m glad that I can earn a living by coding,” shared Dianna.
Dianna had been interested in coding since back when she was a freshman in university. Having seen several interesting and functional applications made her even more intrigued in learning how to code. 
“I want to create applications that can be utilized to do many things and are beneficial to many people. Since when I was a freshman, I have been learning about website coding base,” she continued.
Throughout her study, Dianna was also active in several projects. In her third semester, she was offered to join a backend team that was working on an FnB Project. Since then, Dianna started to learn how to create mobile apps and she also improved her problem-solving skill. In her fourth semester, she volunteered to create a website for one of the small business enterprises in Semarang namely Wingko “O”.
“I worked on several projects for Wingko ‘O’. Those projects were a website to order a menu, Wingko ‘O’ official website, and an Android-based cashier system,” said the woman who bears a passion for dance.
Mahasiswi yang lahir pada 10 Januari 2002 itu juga bergabung dengan Himpunan Mahasiswa Sistem Informasi (HM SISFO) Udinus. Di ormawa itu, Dianna terlibat dalam PPK Ormawa menjadi tim developer aplikasi ‘Sikecik’ untuk mengatasi permasalahan sampah. Tidak hanya aktif berorganisasi, Dianna sempat terlibat project penelitian bersama fosen dan mulai karirnya sebagai freelancer untuk mengerjakan paid project.
“In my sixth semester, I was working on my senior year assignments and I also underwent a training program as a junior contractor in one of the software houses in Semarang,” she added.
Dukungan kampus
Semua pencapaiannya tak lepas dari peran dan dukungan universitas. Perempuan yang memiliki akun instagram @sicewekoding itu mengaku bahwa mata kuliah yang ada di Sistem Informasi Udinus menunjang keterampilannya dalam bidang coding.  “Mata kuliah yang paling saya suka adalah matkul peminatan aplikasi e-bisnis. Melalui matkul tersebut, saya jadi paham mengenai flow pembuatan aplikasi dan mengetahui value dari aplikasi yang dibuat,” ungkapnya.
Starting her study in 2020, she told her fellow students at Udinus specifically those from the Informatics and the Information System Major to always harness and evaluate their coding skills. “Keep the good work and stay consistent in learning to code so that you can create things that benefit others,” she concluded (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)