Through the Student Organization Coaching Program (PPKO), Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) officially launched an app named ‘Sistem Resik Mandiri’ (Siresma). Siresma, produced and designed by the Computer Science Student Executives, served as a solution to resolve garbage problems, particularly in managing waste banks.
Siresma is equipped with various features in accordance with public needs including choosing, storing, measuring, and waste bank recording features. The app has been in the development process since June 2023 with the help of several faculty members.
The app was officially launched on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at the Sambiroto Village Hall, Semarang. On that occasion, they also conducted the opening of the Digital Garbage House Program at the Resik Mandiri Garbage Dump, Sambiroto. Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, symbolically conducted the opening by cutting a ribbon. Ahmad Zainul, S.Si, M.Kom., the Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs in the Computer Science Faculty, also made an appearance to accompany Dr. Kusni.
During her greeting session, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., expressed her gratitude to the whole local community in Sambiroto for supporting and welcoming the program wholeheartedly. Hopefully, Siresma could be occasionally developed and utilized properly.
“This event only serves as a trigger to reduce garbage problems in Sambiroto. I know we could handle these problems, save the earth, and put the economy in place,” she revealed.
All the residents of Sambiroto gladly welcomed the activity conducted by the Student Organization Coaching Program Team of the Computer Science Faculty. As the Village Chief of Sambiroto, Sri Miss Astuti, S.E., claimed this program helped a lot in waste management, considering waste management was normally conducted conventionally prior to this program.
“We have been managing household waste for a long time. However, there has never been an app to regulate waste management. Thus, I must be thankful as this app could help us in managing garbage,” she explained.
The head organizer of this program, Farah Yuniar Alin Raihatuzzahra, hoped Siresma could be utilized optimally by the Sambiroto local community. “Wishfully, the program and the app could help the residents of Sambiroto in managing the waste bank,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Pers Kampus Wartadinus)