Being a student in the 7th semester whilst undertaking a thesis doesn’t hold Cantika Nurcahyani Kiai Demak to participate in a competition. In fact, the Biomedical Engineering Student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) is encouraged to carve another achievement before she graduates.

Itulah alasan perempuan yang akrab disapa ‘Cantika’ mengikuti kompetisi ‘International Health Sciences in Technology Seminar & Competition 2023’ yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Diponegoro (Undip), baru-baru ini.

During the competition, Cantika mentioned several stages that need to be followed. such as the filing process as the first stage and, the selection of administrative & substance that can be considered as the semi-final stage. Then, the last stage is the final round which was conducted on the last November 4th, 2023.

At the competition, Cantika and her team emphasized the idea of blood sugar gauges using ‘spectrosonometry.’ The device is called ‘Gluscosonometry’ which is an improvement of the glucometer device. Cantika explained, “Now, checking blood sugar doesn't require drawing blood. By placing a finger on the device, it observes blood sugar levels painlessly. The results are then displayed on the 'sonometry' application on the user’s smartphone.”

The student of the 2020 cohort also added that Glusconometry does not only work for diabetic patients, but non-diabetic patients can also utilize this device as a preventive move to measure the blood sugar in their body.

“If the device is developed more intensively, the sonometry application can fully function just like the ‘Peduli Lindungi’ app. The Spectrosonometry on this device is the first study that’s ever done,” said Cantika.

Cantika, a Biomedical Engineering Student with a hobby of reading, shared her joy about studying in this study program. The comprehensive coverage of science and mathematics in the curriculum adds to her excitement. “Besides that, health and technology are two fields that will continue to evolve over time,” added Cantika.

Tekad Cantika Teknik Biomedis Mahasiswi Udinus Ukir Prestasi

Since the first year of studying at Udinus, Cantika feels that Udinus has a cheerful environment. Based on her opinion, the lecturers always give proper feedback, progressive criticism, and support their students to reach more accomplishments. “In the future, I hope that there will be more Biomedical Engineering Students who excel with various achievements,” uttered Her.

Cantika advised Udinus students to not be afraid to try something new but to focus on self-improvement. The most important thing is to have the will to become a better person in the future and work towards the goals they aspire to achieve in the future.

“If we are too afraid to try, we will never discover how many possibilities that we can obtain. Moreover, every person has their timeline, thence making comparison with others are unnecessary,” She concluded. timeline nya sendiri-sendiri, jadi tidak perlu membandingkan diri sendiri dengan orang lain,” tutupnya. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)