The Bachelor of Communication Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) taught its students on how to build a successful business. The learning event was formed in a national seminar, taking ‘Pathway to Prosperity’ as its title. The event took place in the Auditorium Hall on the 7th floor of the H building, Thursday (12/07/2023).
This seminar is a part of the learning outcome of the Event Organizer course which was initiated by a student of the fifth semester at the Communication Science department. Emphasizing the theme of ‘Building a Successful Business from Scratch,’ this seminar brought proficient speakers. One of the distinguished speakers was Ir. Erlinda., M.A., Director General of National Export Development, (Kemendag) Ministry of Trade in the Republic of Indonesia, 2016-2019 period.
The woman who has been involved in the world of State Civil Apparatus (SCA) for 37 years has pursued a career at the Ministry of Trade. Things related to foreign trade, international relations, and the development of national exports are no longer unfamiliar to her. Erlinda said, one of the things that is important for everyone to understand to achieve success is focus.
“For me, focus is one of the main key factors to reach success. 'Do what you love, love what you dois my favorite motto to stay focused whilst improving myself, instead of being envious toward other people,” explained Her.
Furthermore, she also emphasized that students should not be afraid of failing. Based on Erlinda’s opinion, failure is a delayed success. Moreover, she said, “A person will be wiser, due to their experiences.”

In addition, Ir. Erlinda a former trade minister, mentioned that age can’t be the reference to start a business. Being successful in business isn’t measured by when a person started his business, or how old was that person when he started a business.
“It all depends on our desire and spirit. The most important thing is to have ideas and notions to be embodied. Becoming a businessman or woman isn’t a thing that can be done suddenly. We need knowledge, planning, and preparation,” uttered Erlinda.
Aside from the interview session, Dr. Rahmawati Zulfaningrum, M.I.Kom., the head of the Communication Science Program, hoped that students could gain knowledge given by the exceptional guest speaker. Knowledge would be the basic thing for students when they jump down into the realm of the creative business industry.
“Keep the focus on making any activity to be full of benefit and more interesting. Optimize your present time as much as possible so that by the time you go down to the professional world, you will be more agile in implementing the knowledge that you’ve gained,” she concluded. (Udinus Public Relation/Ika. Photo: Udinus PR)