Another direct visitation is welcomed by Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang. The event was attended by the Institute of Health Science Telogorejo (IHS Telogorejo), Semarang.

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) hosted a visit with the Institute of Health Science Telogorejo as the guest. The event focused on discussing strategies for how certain institutions elevate to university status, emphasizing the importance of extensive research and public service. The visit took place on Saturday (12/05/2023).

The group of guests received a warm welcome from DR. Eng Yuliman Purwanto, M. Eng., who serves as the Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (IRCS) at Udinus. Karis Widyatmoko, S.Si., M.Kom., Head of Service at IRCS Udinus, and DR. Imang Dapit Pamungkas, S.E., M.Si., Ak., Ca., CIBA., Head of Research at IRCS, also joined in extending the welcome.

The event commenced with a speech and material given by DR. Eng Yuliman Purwanto, M. Eng. During his speech, he shared some of his experiences and strategies that Udinus used to manage the lecturer’s research and service. One of them is that the lecturer can fill in data provided by the IRCS to track their progress movement. Then, the data would be collected in a server through data that is also made by Uidnus.

“IRCS is one of the important references to measure the quality of lecturers which affects their faculties. We are trying as hard as we can so that research and public service will always be under control and run smoothly according to its schedule,” He explained.

In addition, the representative of Udinus Quality Assurance Institute (QAI) was also present. These representatives consist of the Head of the Accreditation and Certificate Center, Dr. Agus Prayitno, M.M., along with the Head of the Udinus Monitoring and Evaluation Center, Ifan Rizqa, M.Kom. On that occasion, several tips were shared by Udinus in improving higher education accreditation to achieve superior status.

Sesi diskusi saat Kunjungan Udinus dengan Stikes Telogorejo Semarang

Meanwhile, the guests who attended the visitation consisted of the Chairman of IHS Telogorejo Semarang, dr. Swanny Trikajanti W, M.Kes., PhD., accompanied by Vice Chairman I Dr. NS. Ismonah, M.Kep.Sp.MB., Vice Chair II Albertus Setyo Sumargo, S.E., Vice Chair III Nana Noviada K, S.E., M.M. Additionally, the delegation included Ns. Prita Adisty Handayani, M.Kep., Head of the Internal Quality Assurance Unit, and Ns. Felicia Risca R, M.Kep.Sp.MB., Head of the Development, Research, and Community Service Unit.

The guests were very grateful for the exceptional welcoming sessions from both Udinus IRCS and QAI. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), which is located in Semarang, Central Java, is considered to be one of the most popular universities due to its changes from academy to university. Its ‘superior’ accreditation proves how good the management of Udinus is.

“We would like to learn from Udinus because of its undoubtedly high reputation. By looking at its course backgrounds, Udinus accelerates so quickly to become a university with more than fifteen thousand students. We are hoping that we can gain a lot of insights through this visitation,” said dr. Swanny Trikajanti W, M.Kes., PhD. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: Udinus PR)