The Capital Market Investment Gallery at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) became the best Gallery in Central Java I, Indonesia after receiving an award from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Due to this achievement, the Capital Market Study Group (CMSG) of Udinus has the right to represent Central Java I at the next event which is the Investment Gallery Award.
The award which is called ‘Road to GI Awards 2023’ was held as an attempt by IDX to keep improving the capital market. One of them is the role participation of investment galleries from various universities. To keep the stream of investment gallery in line with its purposes, the GI award is held as an effort of monitoring and coaching purposes. This was conveyed by the head of Udinus CMSG, Yohannes Imanuel Kurniawan.
The event that takes place every year includes several aspects of assessment. Such as the activeness of the gallery, the use of Regional Development Information System (RDIS) media, and the number of increased investors and transactions in the investment gallery. In addition, coordination and collaboration with the stock exchange are also included in the assessment aspects.
“To complete one of the scoring aspects, we collaborate with Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Danareksa Sekuritas as one of the subsidiaries of BRI Bank. Moreover, this collaboration also increases students trust who are interested in stock investment,” explained Yohannes.
“According to our data, this year's account opening reached 192 accounts and hundreds of share transactions have been made. In the future, we are expecting students’ awareness to gradually increase toward investment,” He added.
Udinus CMSG also offers several advantages for student clients. One of the advantages is monthly education about the capital market, becoming a main priority when there are activities related to the stock exchange. Udinus CMSG also routinely gifts monthly awards to the most active clients in consulting or even actively participating in events.
Advising lecturer of Udinus CMSG, Rudi Kurniawan, S.E., M.E., expressed his pride toward the achievement made by Udinus students in the IDX competition. He said, “The orientation is not to be the best but to do the best.” He also stated that CMSG Provides a forum for students, especially in the campus environment, to explore capital market insights.
“Hopefully members of Udinus CMSG will always contribute to Udinus and the capital market in general. Becoming a study group that can share the education on the importance of investment and financial inclusion,” Rudi concluded. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: Udinus PR)