In an effort to educate the young generations including college students about finance, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) along with the Functions of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) held the 2023 IDIC Festival.
The IDIC Festival at Udinus also consists of other series of events such as Creanovative Entrepreneur Activity. Creanovative Entrepreneur is a yearly event by Udinus that showcases various types of entrepreneurship which is initiated by the Technical Implementation Unit (TIU) of Entrepreneurship Affairs at Udinus.
The closing ceremony of the 2023 IDIC Festival was completed with many types of competitions such as contemporary dancing, musical contests, and entrepreneurial events. In addition, there were 41 booths for Udinus’ students as the participants. The booths were also scored by the judges. The entrepreneurial booth that got the highest score would be the winner in the Creanovative Entrepreneur contest.
Udinus Vice-Chancellor III of Student Affairs, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., also opened the event which was held at the Udinus volleyball court and lasted for a full day. In her speech, Dr. Kusni emphasized that the collaboration of Creanovative Entrepreneur and IDIC Festival was Udinus’ step in raising young entrepreneurs in Indonesia, which also aligns with Udinus’ vision and mission.
"We thank IDIC for entrusting its activities at Udinus. Aside from the competition, our students learned various things, especially about finance and even banking," said Kusni while delivering a speech in front of the students and guests.

Muhammad Arifin, Education Officer of IDIC, explained the purpose of the activity was to provide education and information to students and the entire Udinus academic community regarding deposit guarantee literacy. According to him, students are effective agents to convey the role of LPS in Indonesia so far to the public.
Talking about the business made by Udinus Students, Muhammad Arifin fully supports them to keep improving and eventually becoming a successful entrepreneur.
"We see that the enthusiasm of students is extraordinary toward entrepreneurship. This collaboration is a positive thing in developing their interests and talents. In addition, they also get important education for the future," he concluded. (Udinus Public Relations/Alex. Photo: Udinus PR)