Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held Dinusfest 2024, all Student Organizations enlivened the event by holding various competitions. This time, Udinus Paskibra (flag raiser organization) once again held Loptasiku for the eighth time and was able to attract the interest of the high school and vocational school team in Indonesia to develop the talent of the Marching Drill Command commonly known as Peraturan Baris Berbaris (PBB).

The current Loptasiku carried the theme ‘The Gallant Troops From Nusantara’ and was held on January 27, 2024. The offline event was attended by 13 teams from high schools / vocational schools throughout Indonesia. Each participant performs marching rows and various other formation movements. In the 8th Loptasiku there were several assessments, starting from the United Nations, to Best Costume.

In his interview, the Chief Executive of Loptasiku 8, Muhammad Taufiqi Sarwanto Putra explained that this activity was initiated to invite the younger generation to be creative and have character in terms of marching lines. Additionally, this event also serves as a channel for aspirations and talent development in the UN field.

“The purpose of this event itself is to help high school/vocational school students develop their creativity in the realm of marching drill command. Diving deeper into their talents and interests so that they can be developed further," explained Taufiqi.

Loptasiku Sebagai Ajang Rutin Pengembangan Bakat PBB Pelajar di Indonesia
TERAMPIL PBB: Salah satu tim paskibra saat tampil di depan harapan juri Loptasiku 8
di halaman gedung G Udinus

On that occasion, the Vice-Chancellor III for Student Affairs, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, MM., also attended and gave a speech. She said that the Dinus Festival (Dinusfest) was an event for high school/vocational school students to show themselves and compete in a sportsmanlike manner. In addition to high school/vocational school students, there were also participants who came from among students. According to Kusni, more than 73 categories of competitions, this year Dinus Festival was attended by 6192 participants from various regions in Indonesia.

“Every participant will definitely try to win the race or competition. Young students will understand that there are wins and losses in a contest or competition. This is where the spirit of competition arises in order to become a winner. We have also prepared prizes and scholarships for the winners of the competition," said Vice-Chancellor III Udinus.

In addition to sports, Dinusfest 2024 is also enlivened by other competitions from the fields of art and reasoning. For the record, Thousands of participants who attended from January 20 - February 5, 2024, came from various regions in Nusantara, namely Manado, Denpasar, Kendari, Pontianak, Riau, Wamena, Aceh, and various regions in Central Java. High school students who are interested in seeking further information about Dinusfest 2024 activities further, can find information through the website at https://festival.dinus.ac.id/. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)