A Student Activity Unit known as the Campus Pers Wartadinus encouraged high school students to capture photographs and create infographics of the beauty of Semarang. To do this, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) hosted the Dinus Photo Walk (DPW), which was a part of the 2024 Dinusfest.
This event was divided into two categories, namely, the Infographics and Photography Categories. Both of those categories were themed ‘Let’s Fall in Love with Semarang.’ This theme was chosen to introduce the stupendous beauty of Semarang, as well as push the general public to convey their love for Semarang through their works of art.
“We chose this theme as our campus resides at the dead center of Semarang. Through this event, we would also like to encourage high school students to appreciate the history, culinary, environmental, and atmosphere aspects of our city through their posters and photographs,” Rahma Andiansyah, the head of the committee, explained.
“DPW is an annual event presented by the Campus Pers Wartadinus. However, there were several differences compared to the previous years. Last year, DPW featured a podcast competition instead of infographics. As for the photography category, we decided to keep it as it is because it has essentially become our brand image,” Rahma uttered.
In addition to high school students, several college students from other cities also participated in the 2024 Dinus Photo Walk (DPW). These college students primarily participated in the Infographics Category, as this category was hosted online by uploading their works on Instagram. Meanwhile, the Photography Category was hosted offline using the on-the-spot technicality. It was hosted on Sunday, January 28th, 2024, with the participants obliged to capture photos in the designated locations, namely, the Tugu Muda and the Old Town regions.
Additionally, there was also a seminar culminating in this event, which announced the winner of both categories. The seminar took place on Monday, January 29th, 2024, on the sixth floor of the I building. Using ‘The Art of Storytelling with Visual Communication’ as its theme, the seminar featured Dian Artha Ari Nungky as the sole speaker. On that occasion, he discussed a topic concerning design and photography. Moreover, there was an exhibition showcasing the works created by the participants of DPW in the courtyard of the D building.
Through this series of events, Rahma hoped for DPW to be a platform for students to enhance their skills and abilities. “I believe this event can benefit all participants in honing their skills and abilities,” Rahma concluded.
Dinus Photo Walk (DPW) was a part of a bigger event, the 2024 Dinusfest. A total of 36 contests at the 2024 Dinusfest will last for two weeks, from January 20th to February 5th, 2024. For those seeking information concerning the 2024 Dinusfest, you can visit our website at https://festival.dinus.ac.id/. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Wartadinus)