The Student Activity Unit (SAU) of Logical Reasoning at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) invites the young generation to face the challenges of the era of society 5.0 through the development of research and technology. The activity was realized through the 2024 National Scientific Writing Competition (NSWC originally called LKTN) which involved high school students across Indonesia. 

The writing competition that is held yearly is a part of the 2024 Dinusfest (Dinus Festival). The event is themed on ‘The Role of the Young Generation through the Development of Research and Technology in Facing the Challenges of the Society Era 5.0'. NSWC was organized online. Furthermore, it was initiated in the form of group presentations. With each group containing 3 participants, dozens of participants from various regions in Indonesia competed with each other on Saturday, January 27, 2024.

“Through this competition, we are hoping that high school students can be encouraged to think critically, analytically, creatively, and innovatively through scientific works. Through their competition, they will also gain new insights and perspectives to encounter the era of society 5.0," explained the Executive Chairman of NSWC 2024, Callista Azra Syafina.

During the execution of the competition, there were two stages, namely manuscript selection and the final stage. In the selection stage, students' work will be curated into 12 best scientific papers to advance to the final. For several assessment factors, such as originality, systematics, to their suitability with themes and sub-themes. 

“At the final stage, each team presented their respective papers to the judges online. We use the Zoom meeting platform to make it easier for students to participate in the competition as well as to attract participants from various regions," Callista added. 

The competition was available not only for students but there were dozens of other contests for college students and the general public as well. With 36 competitions available for the public from more than 73 competition branches offered. The event lasted for more than 2 weeks, starting from January 20-February 5, 2024. Students who are seeking information about Dinusfest 2024 can browse through the official website Udinus/Haris. Photo: Doc. LKTIN 2024)