The Volleyball Student Activity Unit of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) provides a platform for high school and vocational school students in the Central Java and Yogyakarta regions to develop their talents in the field of volleyball. This act is realized through the Dinus Volleyball Competition which is a series of the 2024 Dinusfest (Dinus festival).

Participated by 40 participants, the annual competition is divided into two types, namely men and women categories. The competition was held simultaneously in two places, including Udinus Sports Center and Udinus Nakula Field. The competition will be held for three days starting on Thursday (01/02/2024).

The chief organizer of the Dinus Volley Competition, Khidlira Arofat Nuciferadha, explained that the competition uses half competition system. Starting with a pool system, where two victories are required, until reaching the semifinal round.

"Then in the semi-final and the final will be using the knockout system requiring 3 wins. In detail, there are 24 men's teams and 16 women's teams competing for this year," he added.

"It is hoped that we can take part in emerging the talents of new athletes. Helping the Indonesian Volleyball Association which is called PBVSI to find new players for the team to uphold the name of Central Java Province, Indonesia," added Khidlira Arofat.

In general, the participating teams of high school and their equivalents came from several cities outside Semarang City. Including Wonosobo Regency, Klaten Regency, and the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Appreciation For Athletes

At the opening ceremony, the Regional Secretary of Semarang City, Iswar Aminuddin was also present, accompanied by Vice-Chancellor II for General and Finance of Udinus along with the supervisor of Udinus Volleyball Unit, Dr. Guruh Fajar Shidik, SKom., MCs, together with Vice-Chancellor III for Student Affairs UDINUS, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, SE., MM. Additionally, the First Secretary of the Central Java PBVSI Provincial Government, Kompol Agus Sumiarso, also made an appearance. He represented the Head of the Central Java PBVSI Provincial Government.

The supervisor of the Udinus Volleyball Unit, Dr. Guruh Fajar Shidik, SKom., MCs., in his speech hoped that the Dinus Volleyball Competition at Dinusfest could be conducted better each year. Including both in terms of the quality of the event and the number of participants.

"This event is also a form of appreciation from Udinus for volleyball athletes who are still in high school. The purpose of this competition is to train them to be able to compete at the level of the Indonesian National Team," said Dr. Guruh

The 2024 Dinusfest event is not only available for high school students. There are also dozens of other competitions for college students and the general public. In total, there are 36 competitions available which will be held for more than 2 weeks, starting from January 20 until the upcoming February 5, 2024. High school students who are seeking additional information about the 2024 Dinusfest activities can browse through the official website at (PR Udinus/Haris. Photo: Doc. Public Relations