Innovative Works by First Semester Visual Communication Design Students at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (UDINUS) Showcased and Auctioned.

Innovative Works by First Semester Visual Communication Design Students at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (UDINUS) Showcased and Auctioned.

Starting the second semester on campus, the undergraduate Visual Communication Design (DKV) Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) organized an exhibition called 'Sale and Showcase Preliminary Semester commonly known as Lelang Pameran Awal Semester (Lepas). These creations made by lecturers and students of Udinus are displayed at the H Building Udinus Semarang, on March 4-8 2024.

The preliminary semester exhibition showcased a total of 84 works made by 175 students from the year 2021 until 2023 cohort. These showcased works consist of both individual and group projects. These works consist of 15 nirmana or basic design artworks, 35 visual storytelling in the form of a comic strip which is implemented to tote bags, 24 graphic sketch paintings, and 10 design products. These artworks are gathered from the submitted assignment of Visual Communication Design Students of Udinus from prior semesters.

One of the members of the committee, Tiara City Azura stated that this year is the first time this exhibition is being held. The purpose of this event is to act as a platform for students to share and appreciate students' works. However, these artworks are not only showcased but also auctioned openly.

The auction process is open to the general public. Priorly, students have put the sale price of the products beforehand. Visitors who are interested in buying will be asked for data and need to patiently wait until the exhibition is over on March 8, 2024. 

"Later on, the income from the auction will be given back to students. Around 90% of the income will be received by the author or the creator, while the rest of the 10% will be allocated for the development of the student association of Visual Communication Design," Tiara explained.

Triggering Motivation

The Head of the Visual Communication Design Program of Udinus, Ir. Siti Hadiati Nugraini M.Kom, Ph.D., said that students' creations are great and high-quality. Before the auction process, the event was fairly attracting the attention of the visitors.

"The reason why auction is added is due to the demand by the visitors when they want to buy an artwork but the price hasn't been determined yet. Therefore, not only that we organize an exhibition but also an auction for all visitors who attend the event," she added.

Through this exhibition, she is hoping that it can trigger students' spirit to keep innovating and hone their quality. Besides that, this exhibition can also train students' confidence in selling their works. 

"Hopefully, students are not only creating artwork for merely an assignment but also continuously utilizing their skills. If only they knew that their creations are highly demanded and can be auctioned, they would feel more encouraged to innovate more and enhance their quality," Said Siti. (Udinus Public Relation/Ika. Photo: Udinus PR)