The Directorate General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology performed an observation on proper practices as well as learning conducted by Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). It was addressed to the Udinus Animation Applied Bachelor Program, some time ago.
The visitation was made by the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Vocational Education and Culture of the Ministry of Education to see the various events that have been produced by Udinus. Especially in the scope of vocations, namely in the field of animation. On that occasion they were welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science (FIK), Dr. Ir. Drs. Abdul Syukur, along with the Vice-Dean I Academic Affairs of Udinus FIK, Dr. Ahmad Zainul Fanani, Ssi, MKom, and Head of Udinus Applied Animation Bachelor Program, Dr. Ir. Khafiizh Hastuti, M.Kom.
Dr. Drs. Abdul Syukur, in his speech, stated that this activity was a form of recognition that should be proud of. It also showed that the Udinus Bachelor of Applied Animation program already has a good quality. Both in terms of the learning program and its graduates
"It is hoped that this visitation can emerge the enthusiasm for lecturers and students who have received recognition. Which can be used to continue improving grants and research to produce other animation products," he said.
Meanwhile, the delegation present was Cecep Somantri the Head of the Working Team in the Field of Cooperation, Publications, Public Services, and Public Relations, Directorate General of Vocational Education. Nur Arifin as Staff in the Working Team in the Field of Cooperation, Publication, and Public Service, as well as the Public Relations, Directorate General of Vocational Education
Dr. Khafiizh Hastuti, M.Kom., also guided the guests to see all the facilities owned by the Udinus Animation Applied Bachelor Program. The main facilities are the animation laboratory located on the 4th floor of the H Udinus building. The laboratory is part of the results of the second grant, which already has the proper facilities to support the student lecture system.
"So far, there have been so many animations by the students of the applied bachelor of animation Udinus. One of them is 'Si Warik' which has received many awards and appreciation, one of which is from the Minister of Education, Culture and Research including President Joko Widodo," he added.
Field Review

TINJAU LAPANGAN: Ditjen Pendidikan Vokasi Kemendikbud Ristek saat melakukan potret di Laboratorium Animasi Udinus
The portrait session with the secretary of the Directorate General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Research and Technology was carried out by Cecep Somantri. Accompanied by staff of Cooperation, Publication, General Services, and Public Relations. Nur Arifin and the Publication Team, Nur Laely Wijayanti.
Cecep Somantri mentioned that Udinus has a good role as a partner who often donates animation products. After seeing the existing learning system directly, Cecep says that both practice and theory are held in harmony. So that it can improve the quality of learning and graduates.
“This great quality is beyond our expectations because Udinus does have a strong animation field. Especially in the differentiated learning process where they have expression space through the learning process," said Cecep during an interview with the animation laboratory.
“Through this portrait, we hope that Udinus can grow and continue to produce superior products for vocational education in Indonesia. Also exemplary for other vocational colleges, especially in the field of animation," he concluded. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: PR Udinus)