The Student Consultative Assembly of Udinus Holds a Semester Trial, Validating the Faculty of Medicine Bureau to MAR from SRA and SEB

The Student Consultative Assembly of Udinus Holds a Semester Trial, Validating the Faculty of Medicine Bureau to MAR from SRA and SEB

The Student Consultative Assembly (SCA) of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held a semester trial and a Mid-Year Accountability Report (MAR). In this activity, the Faculty of Medicine Bureau was also inaugurated, which also includes the Executive Bureau and the Legislative Bureau.

the semester trial of SCA for the 2023-2024 academic period carried the theme ‘Udinus Student Society, Great Society!'. The chosen theme was in line with the vision of the management of this period in the Student Association to create a positive environment for the Student Organization of Udinus.

The elected Chairman of SCA Udinus, Yehuda Marcel Lanawaang explained that the semester and MAR trial sessions were meant to verify the accountability reports from the Student Representative Assembly (SRA) and Student Executive Board (SEB) of Udinus. The accountability trail is for half their management period. The Plenary Trial also stipulated the latest SCA Equipment for which there is a structural change in the Leader of the Assembly.

"The Chairman of the SCA Udinus Tito Wira Eka Suryawijaya has been replaced for resigning and has been declared graduated from Udinus. The trial also confirmed the addition of new members who must be ratified before the Semester Assembly according to AD-ART Udinus," explained Yehuda.

The Chairperson of the Semester and MAR Trial, Tahlis Ayu Fatmawati added that the Fit & Proper Test of the candidate for the Chairperson of the Faculty of Medicine Bureau had been approved by the assembly jointly to be inaugurated as the Faculty Bureau. The newest bureau in the Udinus neighborhood consists of the Student Executive Bureau and the Student Representative Bureau of the Faculty of Medicine.

"We hope that in the future all student organizations in Udinus can continue to work together to jointly create a positive environment for organization activities," he added.

Running Conductively

The semester trial and MAR were attended by 71 participants consisting of representatives of each student organization in Udinus. The event, which was held on March 25, was held in the hall of the E building, 3rd floor Udinus, Semarang.

The Vice-Chancellor III for Student Affairs of Udinus, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., admitted that she was happy that the Session Activity organized by SCA Udinus could run conducive. Through these activities, student organizations of Udinus can learn to be a role model for other students.

"The Semester trial activity as well as the mid-year accountability report (MAR) are annual activities that must be held. Particularly to account for their activities for half a year period of management," he concluded. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: PR Udinus)