Mia is An Alumni of the Udinus Accounting Program Committed to Developing a Financial Digitization System 


Mia is An Alumni of the Udinus Accounting Program Committed to Developing a Financial Digitization System 


Keterampilan menjadi sesuatu yang perlu dipersiapkan untuk terjun ke dunia profesional. Baik itu keterampilan sesuai bidang peminatan yang sedang ditekuni, maupun soft skills lainnya. Selain keterampilan, mahasiswa juga perlu mempersiapkan kecerdasan IQ spiritual dan emosional. Itulah yang diungkapkan oleh Ammia Safitri, alumni Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) angkatan tahun 2011.

Upon graduating in 2015, Mia who was born in Cilacap has pursued her career and worked in several companies. In 2016, she worked at PT. Shinwoo Global in the Quality Control division. A year later, she worked at PT. Tara Kusuma Indah in 2017 in the Purchasing Division. In 2018 she continued her career at MAN 2 Cilacap as Committee Treasurer until now.

According to Mia who is an alumnus of the Accounting Program at Udinus, MAN 2 Cilacap plays a huge role in her successful career. That's what motivated her to dedicate herself to working at the madrassa (Islamic educational institution).

"I have continued my career in the field of finance as a treasurer since July 12 2018 until present. What motivates me to be this successful is the supportive work environment. Therefore, I want to take part in advancing this madrassa to be better," explained Mia.

As treasurer, Mia is responsible for finances and financial circulation. This also includes daily, monthly, and annual regular reports.

"My task is to save and spend money according to the planned work program. The next task is to make daily reports, monthly reports, and annual reports," she said.

As an Accounting graduate from Udinus, she admitted that many benefits could be taken. Mainly related to the application of the knowledge gained during lectures, relevant to the field of work she pursued, namely as Treasurer of the MAN 2 Cilacap Committee.

"Not only academic science but being a Udinus student also taught me how to interact and deal with various groups and differences in mindset orientation. I can apply it well in my work," Mia admitted.

Fenomena Digitaliasi

Di era perkembangan teknologi yang sedang marak-maraknya dan muncul fenomena digitalisasi ini, hampir seluruh aspek kehidupan harus ikut menyesuaikan perkembangan yang ada. Digitalisasi juga berfungsi untuk efisiensi pekerjaan. Begitu pula di sektor keuangan yang juga butuh terintegrasi dengan teknologi. Inilah yang sedang Mia usahakan untuk dapat mengembangkan sistem SOP keuangan tempatnya bekerja.

>“Di era digitalisasi ini saya berharap bisa mengembangkan sistem SOP keuangan yang sekarang menjadi lebih upgrade lagi dan mudah untuk digunakan semua kalangan,” ungkapnya.

Mia also advised her fellow Udinus students to always be enthusiastic about studying. In addition, she reminded college students not to be shy in asking questions. This is because asking questions is also part of the learning process and exploring knowledge.

"Hopefully in the future Udinus will continue to be the best campus for its students with supportive facilities as well," she concluded. (PR Udinus/Ika. Photo: Personal Doc.)