Iman Agung Rejeki – Communication Science Student at Udinus

Photography is among the most popular hobbies to ever exist. This is because capturing pictures using lights is considered a pleasant activity by many, including Iman Agung Rejeki, a Communication Science student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). 

Agung’s photography hobby took a deep start when he was but a middle schooler. At that time, he realized that every moment only came once. For that reason, he became interested in capturing every single moment through his lenses.

“A perfect moment will not come twice, and a photo is a symbol of these precious moments. One photograph can even tell a thousand of meanings, allowing someone to release their deep longing,” he explained. 

According to Agung, born in 2003 in Batang, light is one of the most important aspects of photography. This is because light serves as paint in photography.

“Lightning can affect various things in a photograph, including clarity, emotion, and the meaning itself,” he uttered.

The more he walked this path, the more Agung realized that testing his talents is important, particularly through various contests. Recently, one of his works was listed in the top 5 at the 2024 Megangan Photo Festival and Culture Carnival of Demak. His work was a photo depicting a performance art known as Jarang Kepang.

Competing in Various Contests and Managing His Business 

In addition to his dedication to participating in various contests, Agung, an active member of the Wartadinus Campus Pers unit, also runs his camera rental and service business. He has apparently been running these businesses ever since he was in high school. 

“My two businesses, namely, IAR Camera Rental and IAR Photography, mainly operate using an online platform. At IAR Photography, we usually offer various kinds of photographs, including product photos, graduation photos, and model photos,” he highlighted. 

In running his business, Agung mentioned that there were several ups and downs. The ups were the fact that he could gather experience and hone his skills. Moreover, he could also expand his relations and communication skills whenever he coordinates with his clients. 

“The downs mainly encompass time management. Sometimes, I even have to work on Mondays and Saturdays,” he continued.

During his studies at Udinus, Agung, the owner of the @agung_rjk Instagram account, claimed that he got various things to further improve his skills. One of which was the photography course he took during his second semester.

“The photography course was a long-awaited one. Through this course, I could learn various photography genres and angles. From a non-academic perspective, I also participate in various events as a committee, with my job being documenting the whole event,” he claimed.

Agung also encouraged his fellow students to appreciate and capture every moment possible.

“Don’t you ever yield from capturing your beautiful moment! Every single photo has essentially artistic value in it. If you are interested in photography, you may try to showcase your skills in contests,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)