A total of 15 student teams under the guidance of the Entrepreneurship Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), received funding for the Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (ESDP) or commonly known as Program Pembinaan Mahasiswa Wirausaha (P2MW). Students will be able to develop and receive guidance according to the proposal, through funds provided by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Among the total of 15 teams, 8 of them are from Udinus Semarang. Meanwhile, 6 other proposals from the branch campus programs.
Assistance and business training will be obtained by students who are members of 15 teams who have submitted their products to the proposal. The students come from various study programs at Udinus.
One of the Associate Lecturers, Galuh Wilujeng Saraswati, M.Cs., explained that proposals from students who were successfully selected were divided into several categories. These categories include Digital Business, cultivation, Creative industries, Arts and Culture and Tourism, Services and Inflammation, Food and Beverage as well as Manufacturing and Applied Technology.
"Moreover, Digital Business is the category under my coaching. We provide assistance to produce the final product," said Galuh.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Entrepreneurship unit, Dr. Nila Tristiarini, SE, M.Sc., CSRA., expressed her pride in the achievements of the 15 teams. This number is higher than the previous year. The achievements achieved by students are expected to be the initial stage of becoming an entrepreneur.
"In accordance with the motto of Udinus, namely technopreneurship as an addition to provide knowledge in the classroom. We also encourage students to take part in entrepreneurial activities such as P2MW," she concluded.
The achievements made by 15 student teams at ESDP become a big step forward for Udinus in directing students to become entrepreneurs. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Illustration: Udinus PR)
The following is the title of the ESDP proposal for Udinus students of Semarang and Kediri Campus who successfully qualified for the funding: