Udinus and the Ministry of Cooperation and SMEs Held the Entrepreneur Hub as a Path for Young Entrepreneurs to Hone Their Competence

Udinus and the Ministry of Cooperation and SMEs Held the Entrepreneur Hub as a Path for Young Entrepreneurs to Hone Their Competence

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) and the Ministry of Cooperation and SMEs hosted a mentoring workshop about business and students’ capacity improvement. The event workshop, entitled Entrepreneur Hub, served as a platform for students to shape their mindsets and mentality.

The workshop was officially opened by Irwansyah Putra (the Deputy Assistant of Business Ecosystem Development at the Ministry of Cooperation and SMEs), alongside Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., (the Vice Chancellor III of Academic Affairs at Udinus). The opening speech happened at the Oak Tree Enmeral Hotel Semarang. The workshop involved many students, both from Udinus and other universities, with ‘Grow & Sustain’ being employed as the theme.

During her interview, Dr. Kusni stated that Entrepreneur Hub was a remarkable program as it aligned with one of the visions upheld by the campus, namely, Becoming a Prime University in the Field of Education and Entrepreneurship. This vision has allowed many young entrepreneurs at Udinus to accomplish national and international achievements.

“We are also committed to shaping our students to be talented entrepreneurs. For that reason, we hold this hub to facilitate our students and students from other universities to explore their entrepreneurial ideas,” Dr. Kusni elaborated.

On that occasion, Dr. Kusni also revealed that one of the speakers at the Entrepreneur Hub used to be a participant in this program himself. His name was Herdiansyah, and currently, he owns a company named Smes Pack. With Herdiansyah’s presence, Dr. Kusni hoped for him to be able to channel his knowledge to all students at Entrepreneur Hub.

 “Herdiansyah is among thousands of other alumni with successful businesses. He developed his current business when he was a student here at Udinus,” Dr. Kusinu revealed.

Showcasing Products from Young Entrepreneurs

At Entrepreneur Hub, there were also various products showcased by participants. Their products were put on display outside the ballroom, in which the workshop took place. Those products mainly encompass F&B and processed products. At the display, there were several innovative products showcased by students from Udinus, including Inraga, Periku, and SiDrone. Before its appearance in Semarang, the hub was also hosted in Solo.

As stated by Irwansyah Putra, there have been more than 900 thousand students utilizing the Entrepreneur Hub platform. According to him, this increase in number was a result of collaboration with Indonesian universities and small communities. Furthermore, he hoped to reach a million number of emerging young entrepreneurs by the end of 2024.

“This program is a step to facilitate young entrepreneurs in developing their businesses. Also, universities serve as a pivotal aspect of this program. This is because campuses essentially house young entrepreneurs,” Irwansyah explained.

In addition to Herdiansyah, Entrepreneur Hub, which lasted from May 16th to 17th, 2024, also featured several other speakers. Those speakers were Dwi Purnomo (from the Local Enablers Ecosystem), Adythia Pratama (the Founder and CEO of PT. Braja Biru Abadi), and Yana Sandhi (the Founder of Incentric.id). (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)