Every Japanese Culture enthusiast got to know! In less than a month, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) is going to host Bunkasai from June 22nd to 23rd, 2024. The annual event, initiated by Hikari of Udinus, will employ the theme of ‘Kibou no Hikari.’

Hikari Udinus is essentially the Japanese Literature Student Association at Udinus. For the event, they will also hold various contests, including a Band Contest, a Cosplay Contest, a Voice Acting Contest, a Singing Contest, a Fanart Contest, and a Dancing Contest. The registration of these contests is open from April 22nd to May 31st, 2024.

Mahanaei Ega Kharisma, the Head of the Committee of Bunkasai, explained that the event was an attempt made by Udinus to promote the Japanese Literature Department to the general public. Furthermore, Bunkasai is also a way for students to further hone their soft skills, as well as introduce Japanese Culture to many people.

“With Bunkasai, we invite the public to take a deep down into Japanese culture. This particular event is also one of our most awaited programs both by the public and our fellow students. Obviously, we will also feature various guest stars guest stars and Bunka Hikari Udinus to perform in our show,” he uttered.

Those guest stars are Giga of Spirit, Rivier, and Cosmonaut and Ape. Meanwhile, Bunka Hikari will also present several art performances, including Senbon Sakura, Omikoshi, Taiko, Chanoyu, J-Music, and Soran Bushi.

Bunkasai is open to both students and the public intending to learn more about Japanese culture. For more information concerning Bunkasai, you can check their official Instagram account: @bunkasai_udinus. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)