34 Proposals of Udinus Lecturers are Funded by the Research and Community Service Program of the Indonesian Ministry of Education.

34 Proposals of Udinus Lecturers are Funded by the Research and Community Service Program of the Indonesian Ministry of Education.

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) continues to show its commitment to improving the quality of higher education and contributing to the community through research. Recently, dozens of proposals from Udinus lecturers managed to obtain funding from the Research and Community Service Program in the Fiscal Year of 2024.

The program was initiated by the Directorate of Research, Technology, and Community Service (DRTPM), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). It was participated by lecturers from hundreds of universities, both public and private, throughout Indonesia.

Dr. Eng Yuliman Purwanto, M. Eng, as the Head of LPPM Udinus, revealed that the lecturers' interest in research programs and community service experienced a significant increase. The data shows that out of about 60 proposals submitted, 34 of them managed to get funding. When compared to the previous year, there was a 50% improvement.

“We are very pleased with the improvement. It proves the development of research quality and the interests and contributions of lecturers. We have also implemented various strategies to encourage more research from lecturers," he said.

Udinus succeeded in contributing 34 successful proposals, covering various fields such as fundamental research, applied research, and community service. The qualified proposals consist of 21 proposals for fundamental research schemes, 4 proposals for applied research schemes, 4 proposals for Postgraduate Research Schemes - Doctoral Dissertation Research (PPS-PDD), 2 proposals for Community Partnership Empowerment Schemes (PKM), 2 proposals for Regional Empowerment Schemes (PW) and 1 proposal for Fostered Village Empowerment Schemes (PDB).

The chancellor of Udinus, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., welcomed the government's support and trust. He hopes that Udinus lecturers will continue to be motivated to conduct meaningful research. To provide solutions to various problems faced by Indonesia.

“With this support, we are committed to conducting more in-depth and relevant research, which can provide direct benefits to the community,” conveyed Prof. Edi. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Illustration: Udinus PR)