Establishing a business has become a dream of many, an unforgettable one. However, the limited knowledge concerning business often makes people afraid of opening their first businesses. Once the knowledge is attained, it is continued by launching a business aligning with one’s passion, so the risks are minimal.

Dr. Nila Tristiani, S.E., M.Si., CSRA., an economist and the Head of the Entrepreneur Unit at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), explained that choosing the proper business ideas was an important asset for a business to sustain in the long term. Furthermore, he also emphasized the importance of business ideas in starting a business. This is because ideas are initial steps that will develop over time.

“In designing business ideas, there are two main steps one must take. First, business ideas will be easier to realize if it is following one’s passion. Second, business ideas must be shaped as a response to everyday problems,” Dr. Nila explained

“When one starts a business per their passion, developing the business will become easier. By looking at everyday problems, one will indirectly cause a whole new market to form, and from there, demands will eventually emerge. These demands emerge as a result of problems,” she uttered.

According to Dr. Nila, an individual must also possess an awareness of everyday problems if they were to establish a business. For example, in the past several years, online transportation businesses have been prevalent in Indonesia. These businesses came as a response to the problems of finding safe, practical, and comfortable public transport in Indonesia.

“By being aware of these problems, one will have promising business opportunities. Therefore, do not hesitate to occasionally look at problems surrounding us,” she added.

Speaking of steps in facing initial business problems, Dr. Nila suggested future entrepreneurs keep learning and developing their skills. “Knowledge and innovation are keys to the dynamicity of the business realm,” Dr. Nila concluded.

With the correct knowledge and strategy, establishing a business is not merely a dream, but becomes a reality that will become successful and sustainable. To push students to become skilled entrepreneurs, Udinus hosts entrepreneurial courses every semester, as well as guiding them in creating new business ideas and developing business ideas. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)