Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) provides a forum for young content creators to hone their creativity through the Moving Forw(art) Competition with Yamaha Fazzio. Registration for the collaboration event from the Applied Bachelor of Animation Study Program with Yamaha will still be open until June 17, 2024.

According to the report of the Event Organizer, Ristia Kadiasti, S.Sn., M.Sn, there have been more than 100 animators with collected animation works. These Animators come from various regions throughout Indonesia. Namely Semarang, Solo, DIY, Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang. Some of the participants come from outside of Java Island such as Balikpapan, Pangkal Pinang, Samarinda, Palembang, Padang to Makassar.

“The opportunity to participate in developing potential in the creative industry sector is still widely open. This competition is an effort by the Udinus Animation Program to provide a valuable experience for young content creators to hone their talents," said Ristia.

"With a total prize of 10 million rupiahs, and also scholarships worth millions of rupiah to continue their education at Udinus. Don't miss this great opportunity, register now before June 17, 2024, "said Ristia, who also serves as one of the lecturers in the animation program of Udinus.

For those of you who are interested in joining the competition, online registration is also available. You can register at the animation.dinus.ac.id website. To seek further information, you can access our Instagram accounts @udinusofficial and @yamahajateng.

The Awarding session will be held at Udinus on June 24, 2024. For more information, participants can also ask directly the contact persons listed on the official poster of Moving Forw(art) with Yamaha Fazzio.

Recently, to enliven the competition, Udinus Animation also successfully held a workshop on Fazzio Inspiring Talk. More than 150 participants from vocational schools as well as college students attended the auditorium hall of the H building on the 7th floor of the Udinus campus. Attended by proficient speakers, namely the creator of the White Horn animation, Afa. As well as animation creator Amir Moci as an alumnus of Udinus Animation, Muhamad Amir Khoirudin.

On that occasion, the Head of Promotion of PT Yamaha Indonesia Manufacturing (YIM) DDS 3 Central Java-DIY Zaldiansyah Perdana was also present. Zaldiansyah was optimistic that the workshop would increase the number of participants. “The creative industries such as comics or animation are a pretty good business opportunity in the modern era. This type of business is not underestimated like in the previous years," Zaldiansyah Concluded.