Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held a public test for the Task Force of Sexual Harassments Prevention and Mitigation (PPKS). This action served as a proactive step to prevent and mitigate sexual harassment on campus. The public testing took place on the conference floor on the first floor of the H building at Udinus, on Thursday, May 13th, 2024.

On that occasion, the PPKS Taskforce of Udinus was instructed by Dra. Sri Dewi Indrajati, M.M—The Head of the Gender Equality and Women Protection Division (DP3AP2KB) of Central Java. The task force consisted of faculties, instructors, and students. They would be tasked to socialize, handle, and prevent sexual harassment on campus.

During her opening speech, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M—the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs—stated that this event acted as an implementation of a policy issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. The policy concerns sexual harassment prevention and mitigation, and campuses hold an important role in preventing the sexual harassment rate from rising.

“This public testing is an initial step in dispatching the PPKS Taskforce of Udinus. This task force will later socialize the importance of preventing sexual harassment on campus to faculties, instructors, and students through pamphlets and guidebooks,” Dr. Kusni explained.

Despite not having any report of sexual harassment on campus, Dr. Kusni hoped for the victims to have the courage to report to the PPKS Taskforce.

“The policy was issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia as stated in the Ministry of Education Act No. 30 of 2021. The act discusses in detail regarding the Prevention and Mitigation of Sexual Harassment in universities,” she uttered.

Dra. Dewi Indrajati, M.M., was also present as a speaker at the public testing, informing and guiding the task force on how to effectively prevent sexual harassment on campus. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)