Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang has held a training aimed at improving the quality of its Human Resources (HR). The event is entitled ‘Dinusian Hospitality Training: Continuing the Joint Commitment to Preserve the Culture of Excellent Service in Udinus. The event took place on the 6th floor of the Auditorium of Building I (30/06/2024).
This training was attended by various ranks of educators, safety units, and Udinus' service divisions. As the main speaker, a Lecturer of the Udinus Applied Hospitality Management Bachelor Program, Izza Ulumuddin Ahmad Asshofi., SE, M.Par., CHTBM, CHE, shared his knowledge about proper hospitality services. Izza emphasized the importance of excellent service as the main orientation of service in the higher education environment. In addition, he also shared his excellent service strategy with prospective new students, students, and guests who came to Udinus.
“Staff appearance as well as the execution of manners are very important. Manners means to smile, greet, be polite, apologize, assist, and have a sense of gratitude in the work environment. These must also be the main focus in improving service quality," said Izza.
The audience asked many questions to the speakers which showed the level of enthusiasm toward the event. The chairman of Udinus Admissions, Andi Hallang Lewa S.S., M.M., explained that the training was part of Udinus' concrete efforts to improve the quality of human resources. It is expected that the knowledge shared with the participants can be implemented and disseminated throughout their respective work units.
“As an excellent accredited campus, Udinus is committed to continuously improving the quality of human resources and supporting infrastructure. We will continue to organize this kind of training periodically," added Andi Hallang Lewa.
By organizing this activity, it is hoped that Udinus can maintain and develop its excellent service standards. In the future, the service will become Udinus' hallmark in the eyes of students and the general public. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: PR Udinus)