Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) once again hosted an event involving a tour on foot around the city to commemorate the 79th anniversary of Indonesia. The tour was conducted by 1700 staff members of the academic community at Udinus and their families. The tour took place on Sunday, August 18th, 2024.
The tour was entitled ‘Healthy Stroll for the Academic Community.’ It started at the courtyard of the G building at Udinus, with the participants heading to Imam Bonjol St., then they turned right to Captain Piere Tendean St. and headed straight to Pemuda St. After that, the participants went back to the G building, which is located at Imam Bonjol St. No. 207, Pendrikan Kidul, Central Semarang.

On that occasion, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., (the Chancellor of Udinus), alongside Tri Rustanti, S.E., M.M., (the Head of the Dian Nuswantoro Foundation) were present. During his opening speech, the chancellor stated that the event was hosted to commemorate Independence Day, as well as to strengthen the bonds among the academic community and their families.
Previously, the academic community from all six faculties, Technical Executive Units, and Bureaus participated in the event. Hopefully, the event can open a new possibility of enclosing the ties between the academic community, allowing them to improve their work performances and academic or non-academic accomplishments.
“We have hosted various sports competitions, including chess, badminton, volleyball, and table tennis. On the same day as the group tour, we also hosted competitions involving bakiak and stilts,” the chancellor explained.
Following the group tour, a door prize award also took place, with winners being random. Hundreds of door prize awards were given to the lucky winners. The prizes encompassed blenders, gas stoves, refrigerators, televisions, and washing machines.
“At the door prize , there were two grand prizes, namely, two electric bicycles and two motorcycles. Hopefully, this commemoration of Independence Day will allow Udinus to see a development and every department on campus will receive Excellent accreditations. Thus, our campus will be more entrusted by the public,” Prof. Edi concluded.
(Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: Udinus PR)