Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) through its Admission and Promotion Bureau, provided a training program on how to use the Counselling and Coaching System (Sibiling) to staff members of a high school, namely, SMAN 1 Bojong. The training aimed to instruct the counselors from SMAn 1 Bojong to understand this operational system, launched in May of 2024.

The program was attended by 14 staff members of SMAN 1 Bojong, including the principal, school operator, and school counselors. It was hosted in the conference room on the first floor of the H building at Udinus on Wednesday, October 9th, 2024.

On that occasion, the staff members were warmly welcomed by Andi Hallang Lewa, S.S., M.M., the Head of the Admission and Promotion Bureau at Udinus. During his opening speech, Andi explained that the training was hosted as the continuation of the Sibiling Launching. It was conducted to introduce this system to numerous high schools, particularly in managing the counseling system.

“Hopefully, this training program could help the counselors from SMAN 1 Bojong in processing students’ data and presenting a better report of the data. For that reason, the whole development team of Sibiling was featured to give training to these counselors,” he uttered.

Meanwhile, Khusni Mubaro, S.Pd., the Vice Principal of Curriculum Affairs at SMAN 1 Bojong, expressed her gratitude for being allowed to learn how to operate Sibiling.

“Hopefully, on this occasion, we will get our counselors to master the operation of the Sibiling system, as well as tighten our bonds with Udinus,” she uttered.

As additional information, Sibiling has crucial features, including letter writing, consulting, and coaching. Interestingly, Sibiling is available free for all school counselors in Indonesia, as they only need to contact Udinus to register their accounts to gain access to this system. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)