Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) received a field visitation from Universitas Setia Budi (USB) Surakarta. At the visitation, Udinus shared steps to improve the quality of a higher education institution and its entrepreneurial sector.

The visitation mainly consisted of a light-hearted discussion session, taking place in the conference room on the first floor of the I building, on Thursday, October 10, 2024. It was attended by representatives of both universities.

The representatives from USB Surakarta were warmly welcomed by Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs at Udinus. During her opening speech, she stated that Udinus welcomed the representatives of USB Surakarta with open arms to share its knowledge in quality assurance and entrepreneurship.

“Hopefully, this meeting will eventually benefit USB Surakarta, as well as tighten the bonds between USB Surakarta and Udinus,” she revealed.

In addition to Dr. Kusni, Dr. Drs. Agus Prayitno, M.M., the Head of the Accreditation and Quality Certification Center at Udinus, also made an appearance. He was featured to share steps taken by Udinus in improving its accreditation to Excellent. Furthermore, he also gave the representatives of USB Surakarta insight concerning campus management and grand development plans for the next 15 years.

At the visitation, Dr. Nila Tristiarini, S.E., M.Si., CSRA, the Head of the Entrepreneurial Unit at Udinus, was also present to demonstrate how to develop the entrepreneurial aspect of a campus. For additional information, Udinus is among many universities enforcing entrepreneurial courses in every department on campus.

“In addition to entrepreneurial courses, we also facilitate students to express their entrepreneurial ambitions by providing them with real-world experience and competitions, such as the Entrepreneurship Expo,” Dr. Nila explained.

Meanwhile from USB Surakarta, the representatives included Dr. Dra. Peni Pudjiastuti, M.Si., (the Vice Chancellor 1 at USB), Dr. Narimo, S.T., M.M., (the Vice Chancellor II at USB), Dr. apt., Titik Sunarni, M.Si., (the Vice Chancellor III at USB). The vice-chancellors were also accompanied by Rosita Yuniati, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psi (the Head of the General Administration Bureau at USB), and Petrus Darmawan, S.T., M.T., (the Head of the Quality Assurance Agency at USB).

The representatives from USB were very grateful for the warm welcome expressed by Udinus. USB Surakarta chose to visit Udinus, as it was proved to have an excellent entrepreneurial atmosphere.

“We are committed to instilling entrepreneurial knowledge in our students, and we agreed that Udinus was the perfect choice for entrepreneurial matters. Hopefully, there will be many things concerning entrepreneurship to be implemented on our campus,” Dr. Peni concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)