600 Students from Udinus Participated in the Basic First Aid Training Initiated by the Indonesian Ministry of Health


600 Students from Udinus Participated in the Basic First Aid Training Initiated by the Indonesian Ministry of Health


A total of 600 students of the Health Science Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) received the Basic Life Aid training (BHD, hosted by the Crisis Center at the Indonesian Ministry of Health. This training aimed to provide students with first-aid competence during emergencies, including collapses, cardiac arrest, and respiratory arrest.

The training lasted for two days, from October 11 to 12, 2024. It took place on the third floor of the E building. The training did not only provide students with theories but also practices using medical tools. Students were taught about the basic steps of giving first aid.

One of the learning materials was how to check the victim’s condition and provide aid per the situation, including in some dangerous situations like cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest.

Elia Rahayu Andryawati, a Representative from the Crisis Center at the Ministry of Health, explained that this training program aimed to raise public awareness, particularly among students, concerning handling emergency cases. The Ministry of Health is committed to hosting this training for both public and university students.

“The goal of this program is to educate students so they will be able to provide first-aid treatments during emergencies, including collapses, respiratory arrest, and cardiac arrest,” Elia said.

During her explanation, Elia added that the first step in providing first aid was to ensure the victim’s condition. If the victim did not breathe air and pump blood, it would be necessary to call the nearest medical facility.

“If we did the procedure but to no avail, we can also check the victim’s respiratory flow and apply pressure to their heart, if necessary, as we wait for medical professionals to finally arrive,” Elia further uttered.

Important Lesson for the Public

On a separate occasion, Enny Rachmani, SKM., M.Kom., Ph.D., the Dean of the Health Science Faculty, said that this training was crucial, as it was still rare for the public to possess the knowledge on how to save lives during critical situations. In addition, the ‘golden time’ during this case can be utilized to save lives. She also emphasized that students of the Health Science Faculty at Udinus were expected to spread this first-aid knowledge to the public.

With this training program, the public is expected to learn the basics of how to save lives. This knowledge is not only useful for medical or health science students but also for the general public in handling emergency cases quickly and precisely.

“This training program is expected to provide students so that they can help in emergencies. The knowledge being taught in the training program is very useful. Hopefully, students will be able to implement this knowledge in their surroundings, both within their family and public spaces,” Enny uttered. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)