A group of English students at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) was encouraged to conduct a campaign as an output of the Public Relations (PR) class. The campaign was conducted by eight students, and it promoted a tourist destination in Semarang, namely, Tirang Beach.
The campaign was initiated by the ‘Occasus Team’ during the Car Free Day (CFD), at Jl. Pahlawan in Semarang, on Sunday, December 8, 2024. The target demographics for their audience consisted of youths with an interest in traveling.

The Ocassus Team consisted of eight students, including Refa Aprilia Atiqwa D, Sariya Baita Rahma, Avicenna Naywa K, Rico Johan Pramudia, Mervyn Wibisono, Fadli Andryanto P., Fransiscus Joseph Izhak Da Costa, and Gunawan. The team also used their creatively designed brochures to voice their campaign. The brochure was made based on the previously conducted observation.
Fransiscus Joseph Izhak Da Costa, the team leader, revealed that they promoted the Tirang beach for purely aesthetical reasons. According to him, the beauty of Tirang Beach deserved more attention from the general public.
“We chose Tirang Beach due to its lack of attention, unlike other beaches like Marina and Maron. This particular beach is also underrated, with its beautiful white sand and wooden gazebos standing at the beach. Through this campaign, we hope for Tirang Beach to finally get the attention it deserves,” he explained.
Furthermore, he also explained that they needed a strategic location to carry out the campaign. This means that the location must be filled with people of various demographics.
“For that reason, we decided to take this opportunity on the Car Free Day, which was filled with people. At that time, we saw many people, including adults and youths, were present at the location. Hopefully, our campaign will be received well by the public,” he explained.

In addition to brochures, the team also featured a game show during the campaign. The game show required the visitors to share their experiences about Tirang Beach, as well as follow the team’s official account. There were also rewards for winning the game show.
Heni Indrayani, M.I.Kom., a lecturer of the Public Relations course, explained that the campaign was a form of output to improve soft skills among students. By voicing their campaign in a public space, they will learn what it takes to be an excellent PR officer.
“According to the report provided by the team, they gained decent recognition from the public. This report indicates that the campaign ran well,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Humas Udinus)