Athletes from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) further showcased their martial arts prowess. Recently, the Pencak Silat Community at Udinus attained 15 medals at a national competition. These medals were garnered from the 2024 Sumedang National Challenge. It took place in the ITB Sports Building in Jatinangor, Sumedang, West Java, spanning from December 27 to 28, 2024.
All athletes at the competition showed their maximum martial capabilities to earn the trophy from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and the Committee of Pencak Silat Association of Indonesia. As stated by Ira Merliana—the Chief of the Pencak Silat Community at Udinus, the competition was participated by 800 athletes from various regions in Indonesia, including Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bandung, and Semarang.
In detail, Ira explained that the athletes sent by Udinus managed to secure two gold medals, four silver medals, and nine bronze medals. According to her, this competition aimed to provide a platform for young martial artists to showcase their martial prowess, allowing them to be more disciplined and professional.
“With these medals, we are proud to compete for our campus. Not only that, this championship also helps preserve the beauty of Pencak Silat as a form of Indonesian martial art,” she uttered.
One of the gold medalist, Nurul Afidah, shared that they had previously done rigorous preparation, including a three-month training, as well as improving their physical, mental, and technical prowess.
“My hard work with the whole Pencak Silat Community at Udinus finally came to fruition, and it shows that our dedication will never fail us. These accomplishments can further motivate us to improve our team quality,” she uttered.
On a different occasion, Dr. Rindra Yusianto, S.Kom., M.T., the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau at Udinus, stated that these accomplishments were symbols of pride for the campus and would be able to motivate other students. This also shows that the local cultural heritage like Pencak Silat, can be preserved through positive activities, such as the 2024 Sumedang National Challenge.
“Hopefully, these accomplishments can give motivational boosts to our athletes. Our accomplished athletes will also be granted scholarships depending on the level of the competitions,” Rindra concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)
The gold medals were earned by two students:
- Nurul Afidah in the Women's H Class Category
- Angelita Suci Ramadhani in the Women's Under Class Category
The silver medals were garnered by four students:
- Ira Merliana in the Women's C Class Category
- Rahmat Suci Setyanto in the Men's B Class Category
- Dheni Febi Setiyawan in the Men's A Class Category
- Rivaldo Ariobimo Harjanto in the Men's E Class Category
Meanwhile, the bronze medals were secured by nine students:
- Rid'an Maulana in the Men's C Class Category
- Indana Maulida Z.N in the Single Art Category
- Dino Ageng Mintoro in the Men's D Class Category
- Dhirly Haifan Anwar in the Men's B Class Category
- Jevita Sri Nurhayato Loleh in the Women's A Class Category
- Muhammad Rafa S.A. in the Men's F Class Category
- Ihasn Arif Hidayatulloh in the Men's H Class Category
- M Yusuf Jaya Saputra in the Men's G Class Category
- Sayyidah Starifatul Ulya in the Women's Under Class Category