A student exchange program to foreign universities is among the most prestigious experiences for a student in general. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) has recently conducted a socialization concerning a student exchange program, which was particularly aimed at students of the Health Science Faculty (FKes).
Students can garner international experience by participating in two programs, including Student Exchange and International Summer School 2025. These two programs were products of collaboration between Udinus and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT).
At the socialization, the discussion was moderated by the Coordinator of the Program from the Health Science Faculty at Udinus, Dr. Adian Khoironi, S.T., M.Si. She explained that the program was specifically targeted at Environmental Health students at Udinus.
In detail, the International Summer School 2025 employs the theme ‘Eco Hydrology,’ so students can learn how to manage clean water supply. Meanwhile, the Student Exchange Program will be held at the Faculty of Technology, Engineering, Fishery, and Informatics of UMT,” Adian uttered.

The socialization itself ran fairly well, with the audience asking many things to put into consideration. It was attended by eighty students of the Environmental Health Department, varying from freshmen to junior students. The event was hosted in the multipurpose room on the first floor of the D building at Udinus.
On that occasion, the Head of the Environmental Health Department at Udinus, Dr. Drs. Slamet Isworo, M.Kes., was also present to deliver an opening speech. He emphasized that the Summer School would be hosted in August 2025. The Student Exchange Program will be held in October 2025.
“Use this opportunity to its fullest capacity, so you can earn international experiences. Through this opportunity, students will earn insight about culture to be shared with their fellow students,” Isworo encouraged. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)