Faculty of Health Science
Presently, there is an imbalance between the number of human resources and the total population. This disparity is a result of various challenges, with one of them being health-related. The health issue has become the main concern in developing countries, including Indonesia.
Through the Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) organizes a program to improve the quality of human resources in the health sector. The faculty's aim is to serve as a prominent choice in health education, integrating both technology and entrepreneurial skills.
The curriculum is developed based on either national or international standards to meet future demands. Outdoor learning methods have been implemented to prepare students for work such as field trips, internships, and comparative study.
Besides learning health science, graduates of this department are expected to have other skills including computer and language ability that can support their role as a medical professional. With the skills they have obtained, students will easily secure employment in government agencies or private institutions.
“Becoming the most reputable choice in the health and entrepreneurship sectors based on information and technology”
- Being a prominent educational institution in the health sector integrated with information technology
- Implementing a curriculum that aligns with user demands and adapts to the era advancement
- Initiating local curriculum to encourage students to understand information technology and induce entrepreneurial passion
- Emerging innovation and creativity in the academic community that is beneficial for the community, government, and business sector
- Producing exceptional graduates who have high-quality public health
- Creating service systems and work programs that are oriented to stakeholders and customers’ satisfaction
- Establishing a dynamic and responsible academic atmosphere
- Embodying management education with high-class-oriented
- Creating proper research that may be beneficial for society, knowledge development, and public health technology.
- Conducting outreach programs for the community in the health sector.
Forming cooperation in the health field, not only at the public agency but also private institutions at the national and international level - Providing support and opportunities for all organization members to engage in self-improvement
- Offering proper facilities to support every member’s activity
Jalur RPL
Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau
Faculty of Health Science

Study Programs
Environmental Health
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Study Programs
Public Health
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Study Programs
Bachelor of Public Health
'A' Accreditation
Diploma in Medical Record & Health Information
Accreditation : Excellent
Bachelor of Environmental Health
Accreditation : Excellent
Master of Public Health
Akreditasi : –