About Udinus
Brosur Internasional
Informasi lengkap mengenai program kami, Silakan unduh brosur internasional berikut
Membersamai perjalanan Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) yang berawal dari kursus komputer sejak 1986, hingga kini menjelma menjadi perguruan tinggi dengan jumlah mahasiswa sekitar 17an ribu dan 46 ribu alumni, bukanlah merupakan pekerjaan yang mudah. Sekarang saatnya membawa Udinus menjadi lebih besar lagi.
Ibarat kapal nelayan, sekarang Udinus menjelma menjadi kapal perang besar siap tempur yang penuh akan ilmu pengetahuan.
Udinus bisa diartikan sebagai rumah bersama dalam mengenyam pendidikan tinggi. Sebagai rumah, tentu ada kehangatan, dan dinamika diantara civitas academica yang ada. Tetapi pada akhirnya kita semua bekerja untuk tujuan yang sama, menciptakan masa depan yang lebih baik.
Sebuah titik awal perjalanan baru bagi civitas academica Udinus. Ketika saya diberi amanah menjadi Rektor, bukan semata-mata hanya karena kemampuan saya, melainkan berkat dukungan, kolaborasi, dan kepercayaan dari keluarga besar Udinus dan tentunya kedua orang tua.
Pilar kepemimpinan saya akan memiliki tiga komitmen utama yaitu keunggulan akademik yang berkelanjutan, kolaborasi global dengan kearifan lokal, dan transformasi digital serta inovasi teknologi.
Amanah ini akan saya laksanakan dengan sepenuh hati dan bertanggung jawab. Demi membangun kepercayaan masyarakat, sekaligus membangun Udinus sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi World Class University.

In 1986, IMKA, a computer course institution, was established in Semarang. IMKA successfully developed and spread its influence to various cities on Java Island including Semarang, Surakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, and Jakarta due to its persistence in founding and creating market opportunities as well as standing against many obstacles. Furthermore, IMKA was appointed as the Head of the Computer Sub-Consortium, Supervisor as well as reviewer of the National Computer Education Examination.
On September 30th, 1993, IMKA had successfully been accredited by NCC (The National Computing Centre) London, which allowed IMKA to lecture and publish the International Certificate. Later on, the computer experts from IMKA alongside a group of scientists established Dian Nuswantoro Foundation as stated in the Notary Deed of Siswadi Aswin, S.H., No. 18 dated July 18th, 1990. In accordance with a decree issued on December 12th, 1990 No. 0686/O/1990 by the Ministry of Education, the foundation was permitted to organize 'Akademi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Dian Nuswantoro' also known as AMIK Dian Nuswantoro. The first cohort consisted of 54 students who believed that higher education must be improved to a system direction for the importance of national affairs. Those 54 students encouraged the foundation to make a certain policy which as a result changed the Academy into a College.
Afterward, based on the decree issued by the Ministry of Education (Mendikbud) on March 3rd, 1994 No. 10/D/O/1994, Amik Dian Nuswantoro officially changed its name into Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Dian Nuswantoro. Subsequently, by 2001, STMIK Dian Nuswantoro resided on a campus within an area of 20.000 m2 equipped with buildings, and advanced computer labs, with a total of 9.000 active students. Additionally, this institution had graduated 1.106 computer bachelor as well as 2.994 vocational computer graduates. All of these would have not been possible to achieve in a short amount of time had the institution not achieved many accomplishments. Since then, education programs kept developing. Prior to that, on June 1st, 1999, the applied management of informatics and applied informatics study programs were equalized in parallel to public universities under the decree issued by Mendikbud No. 273/Dikti/Kep/1999.
In the following year on June 27th, 2000, in agreement with the Ministry of Education’s decree Number 210/DIKTI/Kep/2000, both the undergraduate of management informatics and undergraduate informatics study program were also granted the ‘Equalized Status’. Once again on August 10th, 2000, those two study programs achieved the ‘Accredited Status’ aligning with the decree No. 019/BAN-PT/Ak-IV/VIII/2000. To complement the existing study programs, the applied computerized accounting study program was launched following the decree authorized by the Ministry of National Education (Mendiknas) on March 15th, 2000, No. 66/Dikti/Kep/2000.
In facing the globalization era where the competition in the entrepreneurial sector became more intense, on February 22nd, 1999, Dian Nuswantoro Foundation established Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Dian Nuswantoro with several study programs including undergraduate and applied Management, undergraduate and applied Accounting, and applied Taxation Study Programs conforming to the decree numbered 26/D/O/99. There were 187 students accepted in the academic year of 1999/2000 and during the academic year of 2000/2001, there were around 359 students. Knowing that the role of foreign language was crucial in every aspect of human lives, the Dian Nuswantoro Foundation opened Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing (STBA) Dian Nuswantoro. The foundation of STBA Dian Nuswantoro was based on the certificate decree by Mendiknas No. 27/D/O/2000, consisting of undergraduate English Literature, Applied English Language, Applied Japanese Language, and Applied Chinese Language Study Programs. That marked STBA Dian Nuswantoro as the third college in Indonesia that offered the Chinese Language Study Program, following Universitas Indonesia (UI) and Universitas Dharma Persada (Unsada) Jakarta both of which were established before 1965. The first cohort of STBA Dian Nuswantoro in the academic year 2000/2001 comprised 466 students. The academic experts of Dian Nuswantoro Foundation were added alongside several doctors and medical experts, built an institution known as STEKES (Sekolah Tinggi Kesehatan) Lintang Nuswantoro, which became one of the pioneers of the medical college in Indonesia.
The foundation of STKES Lintang Nuswantara was validated with the publication of Mendiknas decree on July 7th, 2000 No. 103/D/O/2000, consisting of Undergraduate Public Health, Applied Hiperkes or Corporate, Ergonomics, and Health Hygiene Study Programs. To improve the efficiency and performance of managing the college, starting from the academic year 2001/2002 four of the college under the jurisdiction of Dian Nuswantoro and Lintang Nuswantoro Foundations (STMIK-STIE-STBA Dian Nuswantoro and STKES Lintang Nuswantoro) were merged into Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (UDINUS) in accordance with the Ministry of National Education Decree on August 30th, 2001, No. 169/D/O/2001. Thence, based on that certificate, Udinus consisted of 5 faculties including the Faculty of Computer Science (d.h STMIK Dian Nuswantoro), the Faculty of Economics (d.h. STIE Dian Nuswantoro), the Faculty of Language and Literature (d.h. STBA Dian Nuswantoro), the Faculty of Public Health (d.h. STKES Lintang Nuswantoro), and the Faculty of Engineering. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (UDINUS) always kept improving its quality, resulting in its fast acquirement of college predicate. On July 5th, 2002, UDINUS founded two more study programs, namely Industrial Engineering Study Program under the administration of the Faculty of Engineering as stated in the certificate letter of the Directorate General of Higher Education No. 1336/D/T/2002, and the computer master’s degree program in accordance with the decree issued by the Directorate General of Higher Education No. 1322/D/T/2002. With the support of all parties, involving government as well as the national community, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro will always take part in developing the nation as stated in the proverb: Dumuninging Ingsun Angrakso Nagoro.
Becoming the First Choice University in Education and Entrepreneurship Sector
- Conducting High-Quality Education
- Developing and Improving the Academic Community's Innovation and creativity that is useful for society, government, as well as entrepreneurship.

Logo Identity of Udinus
- With permission and love from the almighty god, Udinus shares educational knowledge across the entire Indonesian archipelago.
- The letter "N" is portrayed in a blue-colored bending shape, symbolizing the shade of love from the almighty god towards his devoted followers. The gentle curve of the blue also conveys a sense of protection, signifying Udinus' constant prayers toward the almighty god for defending it while performing any kind of task.
- The center circle in golden yellow represents the color of academic knowledge, depicting the dynamism of life. With strong determination, Udinus' academic community mobilizes all of its energy, might, and minds to dynamically share knowledge within Indonesian.