Pada Program Bangkit 2022 mahasiswa Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang berhasil membuat berbagai aplikasi yang menjawab permasalahan di masyarakat. Dua diantaranya yakni aplikasi ‘Fishku’ dan ‘Tanamin’, yang digarap dua tim yang berisikan 6 mahasiswa. Menjadi salah satu dari 15 aplikasi terbaik yang dikembangkan kembali dalam program capstone design.

The first app, ‘Fishku,’ was an Android-based app serving as a marketplace for freshwater fish. Anugrah Tri Ramadhan, one of the developer team members of machine learning explained that the app acted as a way to digitalize fishery transactions in Indonesia. The marketplace would later be directly used by fishermen to market their products to consumers, including restaurants, hotels, and the general public.

Ramadhan, known as Rama, added that the app was also equipped with other features, namely, to check the freshness of a fish. By employing the deep learning principle, the app was trained to recognize the patterns of fresh fish. The app will detect how fresh a fish is by looking at its eye condition.

“Semua fitur Fishku sepenuhnya bisa diakses menggunakan smartphones without paying a single dime. Our survey shows that the fishermen gave positive feedback yang baik, diharapkan aplikasi ini dapat menyejahterakan nelayan di Indonesia,” ujar mahasiswa Prodi S-1 Teknik Informatika itu.

Pembuatan aplikasi Fishku juga melibatkan 5 mahasiswa lainnya. Yang diketuai oleh Muthia Farah Hanifa dari UIN Jakarta, Adisti Anjani Putri dari Udayana, Nabila Aprilia, Ni’matul Husna, dan Rhamdan Syahrul Mubarak dari UGM. Berbagai informasi seputar aplikasi Fishku juga dapat diakses melalui website mereka yakni

Meanwhile, Nanang Febrianto, the Leader of the ‘Tanamin’ Developer Team, explained that his app was a direct response to the abundant problems faced by the agricultural sector. Furthermore, he also explained that roughly ten to twenty percent of Indonesian farmers had experienced crop failures caused by diseases infected by the crops. With the ‘Tanamin’ app, farmers will be able to monitor the health condition of their crops by utilizing camera detection.

“Lewat aplikasi berbasis android ini, pengguna hanya perlu membuka aplikasi dan memfoto tanaman yang diinginkan. Kami juga memiliki fitur yang menunjukkan penanganan hingga rekomendasi obat yang tepat untuk para petani,” ungkapnya.

The development of this app also involved five other students, including Brilyan Fandhi Safsalta and Achmad Naila Muna Ramadhani (from Udinus), Shazi Awaluding and Rama Tri Agung (from UPN Yogyakarta), as well as Abraham Pardomuan Naiborhu (from the President University).

The 2022 Bangkit program was initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology as a way to develop students’ insight into the field of technology. According to the data provided by the Ministry of Education, the program had graduated 2517 students from 226 different campuses in Indonesia.

In response to that, an instructing lecturer of the Bangkit Program, Galuh Wilujeng Saraswati, M.CS., expressed her pride in the accomplishments attained by her students. In addition, she stated that in 2022, Udinus sent 144 students to participate in the Bangkit Program. The program was mainly participated by students from the Information Systems and Informatics Departments. Through the Bangkit Program, students will be mentored by various industrial partners, including Gojek, Tokopedia, and Traveloka.

“Program ini sangat sesuai dengan prodi yang ada di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FIK) Udinus, menghasilkan aplikasi yang dapat memudahkan aktivitas sehari-hari. Selain itu, Udinus menjadi satu-satunya Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Jawa Tengah yang menjadi mitra bangkit,” jelas Dosen Prodi S-1 Teknik Informatika itu.

With this program, students have received roughly 900-hour training, which hone their skills in accordance with the demands for workers in the technological industry. Furthermore, they have also learned various soft skills, as well as English skills. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Rama) soft skills hingga kemampuan Bahasa Inggris. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Rama)