A student from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) successfully reached the national stage at the Accomplished Students Selection (Pilmapres). The accomplishment achieved by Hendriansyah was earned near the end of his studies.
Hendriansyah, a student of the Information Systems Department at Udinus, successfully made it to the national level as a representative from Central Java. At the selection, the finalists were selected by the Indonesian Talent Development Agency (BPTI), the National Achievement Center, and the Ministry of Education. Before this, the early selection stage was conducted by the Coordinator of Private Universities (Kopertis) in every region.
“Unlike previous years, this year’s Pilmapres obliges me to compete with students from public universities and private universities. Accomplishments coming from creative ideas were also among the most crucial points during the selection process,” Hendriansyah, the CEO of Culture Academy, explained.
Hendriansyah, a student of the 2019 cohort, expressed his joy for being able to give a good reputation to the campus at Pilmapres. Furthermore, he revealed that the selection was the end goal of every accomplishment he gathered during his studies at Udinus.
“As one of the representatives of Central Java, I will give my best effort to win the national selection. Hopefully, this selection will allow me to make a new history for the campus,” he hoped.
Shortly before, an audition with the Culture and Education Service (Disdikbud) of Central Java was also conducted. The audition was held as a way to improve the educational quality within Central Java. The audition also utilized various innovative devices, namely, ‘SiKresna,’ which utilizes a Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR), ESP 32 Cam, and Machine Learning, as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI). All of these devices were combined to form a camera device, which could detect students’ focus, and the results will be seen through the emotion shown by the students.
Meanwhile, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., (the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs) expressed his pride in the attainments earned by Hendriansyah. In preparing for Pilmapres, the whole academic community has supported Hendriansyah since his freshmen years.
“As the academic community, we must support Hendriansyah to be nominated at the national selection or Pilmapres 2022. Hopefully, he will be able to make a name for our campus by competing against students from various universities in Indonesia,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Harris. Foto: Humas Udinus)