The current pandemic pushes everybody, particularly students, to do their work online at home. This very circumstance also impacted Devia Hediyani (20), a Medical Record Student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). Due to the pandemic, Devia had to call off her internship program and do all the work at home.


Every campus and school activity must be stopped momentarily to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Devia also agreed with the decision taken by the government to stop the virus from spreading. “Even though this might not be the easiest choice the government had to take, but as a student, we must abide by the rules and adapt to it,” she revealed.


Devia, an active member of the Student Executives of the Health Science Faculty, gave several tips regarding this continuous pandemic. “First thing first, we need to stay away from outdoor activities unless emergencies and do not forget to maintain our sanitation by washing our hands before and after conducting any activity. Also, maintaining our healthy diet is mandatory to achieve a healthy life,” she explained.


According to Devia, the #stayathome trend could serve as a movement to support government policy. Moreover, social media has essentially turned into a primary source of information in our modern society. “If we collectively support government decision by staying at home, this pandemic will soon end with fewer victims,” Devia added.


Devia, born on August 20, 1999, in Bandung, also hoped for the public to remain calm and abide by the health protocol. “As students, we have to utilize this opportunity wisely, and we should focus on our duty as a student and follow the government protocol like any good citizen would,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)

Name :

Devia Hediyani – Mahasiswi Rekam Medis D3 UDINUS