It is not impossible for typical students to study abroad. Fortunately, Adelia Wahyuningtyas Maharani, a Public Health student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), earned the privilege to study at the Kangwon National University (KNU) in South Korea.
Adelia, better known as Adel, was glad to get this one-in-a-million opportunity. Obviously, to obtain this opportunity, she had to endure various challenges with maximum effort. Before her departure to South Korea, Adel had also learned Korean intensely for a month. Additionally, at the last phase of her test, she had to undergo a difficult medical test, and if someone were to suffer from Tuberculosis, they would be disqualified immediately. “Learning Korean is overwhelming and that was the language I was obliged to learn before studying at KNU. Despite all of that, I still want to take this chance, as it is one in a million. At KNU, I will later study in the international class, consisting of many students from across the globe,” Adel, born on May 7, 1998, in Wonosobo, uttered.
Adel, who likes to engage in social activities, initially did not expect to be qualified as one of the students who earned this opportunity , as she was only trying to participate with no expectation to pass in mind. However, she triumphantly passed all the tests required all the way to the finale. According to Adel, this internship program would serve as a platform to gather experience for her upcoming career in the industry. “Through this program, I will be able to obtain priceless experience to be implemented in my career. Studying abroad will be the most precious thing I could ever ask for, which I won’t ever dare to forget. Also, I will not waste this chance and maximize my study effort at KNU,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/lex/AT/Foto: Alex Devanda)
Name :
Adelia Wahyuningtyas – Kesmas Student Exchange