Elang Satya Negara, an Informatics student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), triumphantly claimed third place and the Best General Act title at an event known as War of The Wizards. Many magicians across Indonesia assembled at that event.


Elang successfully outclassed his rivals from several cities in Indonesia. Known professionally as Elang Elano, he performed magnificently with his own magic-type show, namely Cabaret Magic.


Cabaret Magic in itself is one of the countless magic types. His three-year dedication did not fail him, leading to Elang entertaining the judges with a spectacular magic performance at that event, which was hosted in Jakarta from November 2 to 3.


During his interview, Elang explained that he had been fond of magic stuff since he was in high school. To him, his dedication and passion for magic led him to claim victories in various magic competitions in Indonesia. “My curiosity shaped me into a magic enthusiast, which guided me to take a deep dive into it. I spend more than three hours a day to train,” he uttered.


Meanwhile, Rindra Yusianto, the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, expressed his pride in the accomplishments achieved by Elang. He stated that the Student Affairs Bureau will always provide full support to accomplished students. “We will always be open to the idea of forming a magic community on campus, as we will always facilitate them both ethically and normally. Hopefully, other students could be motivated by these accomplishments as well,” Rindra concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Alex Devanda).



Name :

Elang Satya Negara – Magician Udinus