The ‘Kampus Mengajar’ program is among government programs aimed at students. Alfensa Dinda Gestara Febrananda (21), a Biomedical Engineering Student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) was chosen to participate in the program.


In the program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), Dinda obtained the opportunity to devote her skills to teaching many elementary students in several schools with low accreditation or located in the 3T area, Tramontane, Trailed, and Thriving.


“In this program, the other seven students and I were dispatched to Butuh Elementary School in Temanggung Regency. With less than a hundred students, we aim to improve the local community’s interest in studying at that school,” she explained.


Dinda, the Chief of the Biomedical Engineering Student Association, triumphantly became a participant in this program upon undergoing two selection processes including administration selection and civic knowledge selection or ‘Kebhinekaan.’ “The civic selection was hosted online by filling survey with the correct answers in accordance to the given case studies,” Dinda enlightened.


Not only does she teach students at an elementary school, but Dinda, born on February 20, 2000, in Temanggung, is currently pursuing her major in Biomedical Engineering at Udinus. She chose this study program as it was related to the medical sector, her longingly desired sector.


“The Biomedical Engineering Study Program really does possess extensive job prospects as the medical technology advances. Therefore, biomedical professionals will always be necessary in Indonesia,” Dinda revealed.


Additionally, Dinda once achieved a bronze medal at the 2021 Asean Innovative Science Environmental and Entrepreneur Fair (AISEEF). At that international competition, Dinda and her team discussed the Acts of Fraud on E-commerce. AISEF was a creativity contest in the science, environment, and entrepreneurial innovation fields participated by students from various countries around Southeast Asia. (Humas Udinus/ Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi).


Name :

Alfensa Dinda Gestara Febrananda – Mahasiswi S1 Teknik Biomedis Udinus