Through his unique idea of taking daily selfies, a Diploma student from the Animation Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang managed to earn a revenue of up to 1.5 billion Rupiah. 
Sultan Gustaf AL Ghozali achieved this profit shortly after his selfie photos went viral in the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) world. He mentioned that he was planning to create a time-lapse video of his photos. 
“At first, I intended to make a time-lapse video for me to see my face’s transformation in the past 5 years, which I took since my high school graduation in 2017,” Explained Ghozali.
After getting billions of rupiah, the student who is currently known as Ghozali Every day, has had a dream of having an animation studio. His interest in the world of animation sparked when he was still in high school, and until now he has become a student in the animation program at Udinus. 
“Upon finding out about the animation industry, I aimed my goal to be an animator. The earnings that I got from NFT will later be used to reach that dream,” said Ghozali.
At college, Ghozali stands out as an excellent student who has been awarded the 'Beasiswa Unggulan' scholarship by the campus. With his brilliant ideas, Ghozali frequently competed in various events such as logo design competitions. 
“In my opinion, Udinus has a perfect atmosphere to learn. Animation lecturers who are always supportive, encourage me to hone unique ideas in my mind,” said Ghozali.
In addition, NFT is a digital asset in the form of art and photographs, which can be traded with cryptocurrency. NFT will be the proof of ownership for someone who bought it.

Name :

Sultan Gustaf AL Ghozali – A Diploma Student from the Animation Program at Udinus