Being an accomplished student with their field of expertise as a source of income is a way of life everyone longs for. This exact scenario happened to Khaerul Anwar, an Alumnus of the Informatics Study Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), who graduated in 2016.


Aan who was a former member of Dian Nuswantoro Computer Club (DNCC) was once the champion of the Information Technology Creative Competition (ITCC) in 2015.

From his career side point, Aan claimed that he has been working since his freshmen years in the same field of expertise, namely software house.

Establishing his business was not an easy task. After a year of working, the software house company he was working at decided to move to another city. Aan, who was only a college student, hit rock bottom without any source of income. He even desperately sold football jerseys and food to make a way of his living.


However, his working dedication at his previous company led Aan to be noticed by his former client. Thence, he began to self-brand and establish his own company named Seven Media Technology (SMT) in mid-2013. “In the following year, I started to tie a partnership with various acquaintances to develop this business, which to this day still stands strong,” Aan proudly uttered.


Despite being a CEO, Aan claimed that he was seduced to work as an employee once again and leave his company. Even so, Aan decided to cast off his ambition as many of his employees depended on his business. “I always hold the principle that the best of men are those who help others, and I decided to help others through my business,” he revealed.


According to him, to become an IT businessman, one must learn deeply the courses provided by the curriculum on campus. Moreover, as a businessman, he stated that entrepreneurship courses on campus also played a vital role in establishing his business.


He said that students should try to get jobs during their studies before experiencing environmental pressures upon graduating since the environment changes drastically as students graduate from campus.

“You need to fail more as a student; thus, you will become an expert upon graduating,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)


Name :

Khaerul Anwar – Alumni Teknik Informatika S1 Udinus