“Man behind the gun, you should master your camera before it becomes a burden, and do not forget to enrich yourself with visual literature,” said Harviyan Perdana Putra, an alumnus of the Undergraduate Visual Communication Design Study Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). Currently, he is working as a photojournalist at Antara Foto.


Harviyan has been passionate about photography ever since he was a college student; he added that becoming a photojournalist was not far different from being a journalist in general. The most notable difference is that a photojournalist conveys newsworthy information through visual photographic news to readers.


Harviyan claimed that he was interested in landscape nature photography during his freshman days as nature was unpredictable. Thence, he became interested in learning every photography genre. Harviyan also once worked as a freelance prewedding photographer. However, through his dedication and learning ability, he triumphantly dove into his journalism career. “It is satisfying to present information through photographs. The peak is when we are well-prepared to take pictures at the location, then the photographs are approved to be worth showing and positively impact the readers,” Harviyan explained.


Harviyan said that there were lots of courses benefitting him in pursuing his photography career, one of which was the Photography Course that allowed him to understand photographic elements including basic composition, exposure, etc. To this day, he still implements the knowledge he gathered on campus.


According to him, the most difficult obstacle he had encountered as a photojournalist was the dissatisfied readers in receiving information. However, Harviyan could overcome this by receiving feedback from readers to improve his creativity in delivering information through his photographs.


Harviyan encouraged students who wanted to dive into the photographic career to master the camera and choosing the proper composition. “Gather more information about your passions! Expanding knowledge about your passion is also a must,” Harviyan concluded. (Humas Udinus/Almira. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)

Name :

Harviyan Perdana Putra – Alumni Prodi S1 DKV Udinus