In an attempt to make a comeback in the post-pandemic era, the Department of Animation at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) hosted an event known as ‘Competence Certification of Creative Economics Human Resources in the Animation Sub-sector.’ At the event, all participants consisting of students from Udinus passed the certification.
The certification was facilitated by the Directorate of Competence Standardization Deputy of Resource and Institutional at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economics. Additionally, several prominent guesses also made an appearance at the event, including Lina Verawati, an expert from Adyatama Tourism and Creative Economics, Dr. Ruri Suko Basuki, M.Kom., the Director of the Animedia Certification Profession Institution. The event took place last week at the King’s Hotel Kudus, Central Java. 
During her greetings, Dr. Ruri Suko Basuki, M.Kom., explained that the certification had been approved by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economics, and Kudus was chosen to be the host. Moreover, she explained that Kudus would become the host as there was a big animation studio in Kudus, namely the RUS Animation Studio, and a popular landmark, Menara Kudus. 
“This event marks the beginning of national economics rising upon the two-year pandemic. Hopefully, in 2023, Indonesia could rise again through creative economics,” Ruri, the Head of the Film and Television Program at Udinus, explained. 
A total of 50 participants took the opportunity to participate in the certification, with 22 of them taking the 3D Low Poly Artists Certification and 28 others taking the 3D Illustration Artists Scheme Certification. For additional information, a certification serves as proof that someone possesses particular skills or knowledge.
Furthermore, creative economics is inseparable from sufficient human resources. Thus, it is only natural for human resources to improve their creativity in engaging in the development of creative economics. Academic Institutions are the main components in maintaining the quality of human resources to be better, competitive, and competent; as a result, they could compete internationally. 
“Through the competence test at the certification, human resources could be more sufficiently competent and competitive on the global scale,” Ruri added. 
On the same occasion, Dr. Khafiizh Hastuti, M.Kom., expressed her utmost pride for the hard work given by her students to pass the certification. Moreover, she revealed that dozens of Animation Students participated in the event to embody creative economics. 
“These results are truly an achievement for the Department of Animation, indicating that academic scopes could produce competent human resources in the field of creative economics. Hopefully, this certification could sustain our students to walk their way in the industry,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)