Accreditation is one of the references for a college institution or department to be trusted by the general public. For this reason, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) is committed to improving the accreditation for its departments. Recently, the Department of Environmental Health at Udinus successfully earned Excellent accreditation from the Indonesian Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Health (IAAHEH).
The Excellent accreditation bestowed on the Department of Environmental Health was stated in the decree issued by IAAHEH numbered 0151/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/II/2023. The decree stated that the Environmental Health Department at Udinus had been accredited as Excellent until February 24th, 2028.
Dr. Drs. Slamet Isworo, M.Kes., the Head of the Environmental Health Department at Udinus, stated that the Excellent accreditation served as a first step to improve the quality of the department. Moreover, he further said that the quality of the department would always be the main focus, allowing the department to garner better accreditation in the future. As he revealed, there were two assessors from IAAHEH conducting a visit to the department on the previous occasion.
“This remarkable accomplishment does not mark the end of our journey. In fact, it only marks a new beginning for us to improve the quality of our department, particularly in terms of academic aspects and other facilities. Additionally, we are also committed to developing the quality of our faculty members and alumni, as well as other aspects,” he explained.
On a different occasion, Enny Rachmani, SKM., M.Kom., Ph.D., the Dean of the Health Science Faculty, expressed her pride for the Excellent accreditation garnered by the Department of Environmental Health. She further stated that the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) had to be maintained by maintaining the quality of Human Resources both from educational and ranking viewpoints.
The faculty was also committed to enhancing the quality of education at Udinus, particularly the Department of Environmental Health. For the time being, the department aims to make its graduates inflict positive impacts on the public.
“We are proud of the Department of Environmental Health for achieving the Excellent accreditation. Currently, we will provide the best support for all departments within the Health Science Faculty to garner Excellent accreditation and guide their graduates to compete on an international scale,” the dean hoped.
Notably, there have been two departments within the Health Science Faculty that are accredited as Excellent. Those two departments encompass the Environmental Health Department and the Medical Records and Information Department.
For additional information, the Department of Environmental Health at Udinus has several facilities, including an environmental health lab, an epidemiology lab, a health proportion lab, and a computer and language lab. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Ilustrasi: Humas Udinus)