The 2023 ATF National Taekwondo Championship was a competitive sports event aimed at finding talented young Indonesian athletes with great potential. At that sports event, Daffa Fauzan from the Computer Science Faculty at Udinus won both the gold medal and the ‘Best Men Player’ title.
He won the gold medal in the men's Kyourigi u-58 class. Do you want to know how he became a successful athlete? Here are some facts about him that may motivate and serve as good examples for other athletes.
He Constantly Trains
Daffa said that being persistent was the main key to becoming a successful athlete. He diligently trained five days a week from Monday to Friday in order to give maximum performance.
“My accomplishment is attributed to my hard work and my patient and careful coaches who always give me some portions of my training. Sabeum Indra was one of them,” he explained in his interview conducted by PR from Udinus.
He Has a Strong Mentality
In every match, Daffa would always regard his rivals hard and challenging obstacles. By doing that, he would always give his finest performance in every match, this can be proven by how he managed to be victorious against all of his rivals with the score of 2:0 in the 2023 ATF National Taekwondo Championship
“Underestimating rivals is one of the worst mistakes an athlete can do, that’s why I always calm myself down when competing, and not only that, following our coaches’ instructions is also crucial,” Daffa said,
He Is Still Young
Daffa is still young, even though he is successful in several national sports events. He was born in Jakarta, on May 3rd, 2003, which means that Daffa is only 20 years old this June.
He Has Gotten Full Support from Udinus
After he was old enough to continue his study, Daffa chose Udinus as his University majoring in the Undergraduate Communication Science program. Udinus is known as a private university that gives their athletes full support.
“The Student Affairs sector provided us with facility and support alongside scholarship for the successful students both in National Sports Events and in International Sports Events,” said the athlete. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)