The Student Representative Council (DPM KM) of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) won the ‘Best Innovation Paper’ at the international competition. Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) Veteran, East Java, Presented the event entitled 'International Relations on Indonesian Foreign Policy Conference (IROPFONIC) 2023'.
The paper title chosen by Udinus' team emphasized "Strengthening Data Security Through Blockchain Technology: Exploring the Successful Implementation of Digital Transformation in Indonesia." Involving three people, namely Tito Wira Eka Suryawijaya, Tahlis Ayu Fatmawati, as well as Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M as the instructor.
Tahlis Ayu Fatmawati, one of the team members, said that their paper was focusing on blockchain and its advantages. Especially in the modern era, data leaks were very common to happen anywhere, at any time. Blockchain elevates the data’s security by storing them in a decentralized and encrypted way. 
“The paper that we made, describes what would happen if all of the administration sectors in Indonesia such as education, finance, marketplace, or even government used blockchain technology. The user’s data will be a lot safer due to extra verifications of security,” said Tahlis.
She also explained that there were some selections from the beginning until final. Starting from abstract evaluation to the rigorous full paper-making process. The final stage took place on 20th June 2023.
“Other than receiving the category award of Best Innovation Paper, our team leader, Tito Wira Eka Suryawijaya also won the Honorable Mention award,” added Tahlis.
The paper competition which was considered a ‘panelis’ event, was conducted hybrid. The online event was done through the Zoom platform while the offline event was held at The Southern Hotel Surabaya. In addition, there was a seminar featuring competent speakers.
Dr. Kusni Ingsih M.M., the Vice Rector III Udinus, expressed her hope that Udinus students would be a lot more motivated to try something new and positive. Both in the academic and non-academic world such as sports competitions.
“Udinus’ next goal is to encourage students to achieve more in the academic sector in its respective superior standard or even achieve at the international level,” uttered Dr. Kusni. (Udinus Public Relation/IKA. Photo: Doc. DPM Udinus))