Committed to introducing the students to Strategic Communication in various companies, the Communication Major at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) organized a regular corporate visit at Pertamina Patra Niaga Central Java Region.
The industrial visit was attended by the students accompanied by several lecturers at Pertamina Patra Niaga Central Java Region, Pemuda St. No. 114, Semarang. Dozens of students were directly instructed by the Unit Communication team of Pertamina Patra Niaga, Ltd.
Heni Indrayani, M.I.Kom, one of the lecturers, stated that this corporate visit aimed to instill practical understanding. Moreover, it also served as a stepping stone for the students to prepare themselves for the industrial sector.
“This visit also pushes the students to understand how to manage good relationships with the stakeholders. Furthermore, the students will also be able to arrange strategic communication in companies,” she explained.
Meanwhile, Brasto Nugroho, Manager of Unit Communication & Regional Relation of Central Java, explained the importance of strategic communication in achieving the companies’ objectives. Therefore, two-way communication became the new method to inform activities, for instance, digital content uploaded on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.
Not only that, but the tactics used to inform companies’ activity by cooperating with public figure or influencers would also help attract more public attention.
Brasto further revealed that there were several communication activities in companies nowadays, including, communication and relation, Corporate Social Responsibility He also wished the Communication Major students at Udinus to learn about social mapping and Social Return of Investment (SROI).
Strategizing is based on environmental conditions and societal conditions, and it is also linked to the company’s strategy. The strategic communication of the company must align with several other things so that it can be arranged into the public relation strategy which may be explained using certain tactics,” Brasto Nugroho explained.
During the visit, the students were filled with enthusiasm as there were many discussions regarding strategic communication. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. Ilkom Udinus)