Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) is taking steps to enhance students' focus during lectures by organizing a matriculation program.This program brings together students from various faculties within Udinus, with a primary focus on supporting first-year students.

The matriculation serves as a campus introduction program specifically customized for new students. The participants in this program are those who registered before July 7th, 2023.

Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustard, M.Si., Vice-Chancellor I Academic Sector Udinus, explained that the purpose of the matriculation was to be the place for students to get to know more with their respective study programs that they had chosen. In addition, this matriculation program serves as the initial step in preparing new students for their lecture activities. Participants will receive materials covering Introduction to Information Technology, along with courses from each faculty.

“Other than study programs introduction, they will also be provided with several different courses. Unlike last year, we are also teaching them about data science and machine learning,” added Prof. Supriadi.

The program is conducted from July 17th to August 7th 2023 with thousands of new students at Udinus participating in various buildings, from D to H. The participants were grouped based on their respective study programs, and they seemed enthusiastic by paying attention in all of the sessions.

Whereas, Dr. Pujiono S.Si., M.Kom., the Head of Learning and Development Institute (LP2K) Udinus, said that the student candidates were grouped according to their individual study programs.

Currently, Udinus is still opening the registration of new students for the academic year of 2023/2024 until August 25th 2023. The students can sign up the second group of registration directly at the Udinus campus at Imam Bonjol Street No. 207 Semarang, or online through the official website of Udinus pmb.dinus.ac.id. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: Udinus PR)