Competence in the field of digital animation is a plus in the current era of technological advancement as this field of expertise holds many job opportunities. In an attempt to improve students’ proficiency in the 2D digital animation sector, the Department of Applied Animation at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro held an international workshop.

The workshop was hosted online through the Zoom platform from October 12 to 13, 2023, with two themes as its main topic. On the first day, the topic was Competence Improvement in 2D Digital Animation. The following day, the workshop discussed the creation of a storyboard with Dr. Khafiizh Hastuti, S.Kom., M.Kom., the Head of the Animation Study Program, as the presenter.

“This event serves as a concrete embodiment of our international collaboration with Toon Boom Animation, a prominent software animation company headquartered in Montreal, Canada,” she explained.

The workshop was attended by 150 participants, mainly consisting of students and faculty members. The event featured Prashant Gawanda, a representative from Toon Boom Animation, as the speaker alongside other representatives from Toon Boom Indonesia. 

Through this collaboration with animation experts, students are expected to gather insight to further their proficiency in the field of 2D animation and utilize this opportunity to receive knowledge transfer directly from a global animation expert.

“From now on, we will routinely tie international collaborations. Hopefully, students could enhance their skills and insight to produce many more globally acclaimed animated movies,” Khafiz added.

Prior to this, the Department of Animation has also produced an internationally recognized animated show, ‘Si Warik.’ This animation show had successfully received Rp. 360 million in funding through the Kedaireka Matching Fund Program. Furthermore, ‘Si Warik’ also triumphantly became a finalist in the Best Animation category at the 2023 SWIFF International Film Festival in America. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Prodi Animasi Udinus)