The Computer Lab at Universitas Dian Nuswnatoro (Udinus) has officially been ISO 9001:2015-certified. The certificate marked that the lab had a proper management system and was internationally standardized.

The ISO certificate was published directly by Yura Prima Solusindo Ltd., and was accepted by the Computer Science Faculty at Udinus. The handover was conducted on the first floor of the H building on Monday, November 27th, 2023. On the same occasion, the certificate was handed by Muhammad Alvian, a Supervisor Consultant at Yura Prima Solusindo Ltd., and it was symbolically accepted by the Dean of the Computer Science Faculty, Dr. Abdul Syukur, M.M. The certificate was published by Sucofindo Ltd. through various consultant and certification processes in 2023. 

Dekan FIK Udinus Terima Sertifikat ISO 9001 2015 Dari Supervisor Consultant PT. Yura Prima Solusindo
The Dean Receiving (left) the Certificate Handed by the Supervisor Consultant at Yura Prima Solusindo Ltd. (right)

However, the ISO 9001:2015 certification is not the end of the journey to improve the quality of the management system in the computer lab. In fact, it only serves as the beginning of creating an even better image in the campus scope. As explained by Muhammad Alvian, the management system has fulfilled various international standards, and those standards could function to enact policies and quality aims.

“Hopefully, this certification does not burden them but triggers the whole academic community to improve the quality of the validated management system,” he hoped. 

“Henceforth, it is up to the laboratory team to maintain this certification for the years to come. We hope this certification can embody this campus’ trademark as one of the best IT universities,” Alvian added. 

Dr. Drs. Abdul Syukur, M.M., the Dean of the Computer Science Faculty, expressed his gratitude to all parties involved in acquiring the international certificate. This certificate may serve as a commitment showcased by the campus in developing a quality standard. Additionally, he also revealed that certificate could motivate other fields to develop international quality standards.  

“From now on, we will target the whole faculty to obtain ISO certification. This is because the Computer Science Faculty is the biggest faculty on campus, and we require a credible standardization. Not only does this standardization benefit the campus, it also brings advantages to students,” he concluded.  

Foto Bersama Seluruh Jajaran dan Tim Laboran Udinus
A Group Photo of the Whole Laboratory Team

The event also featured a discussion moderated by Affandy, Ph.D., the Vice Dean of the Computer Science Faculty of the Human Resources and General Affairs, accompanied by Sri Winarno, Ph.D., the Head of the Department of Informatics, Dr. Budi Harjo, M.Kom., the Head of Laboratories at Udinus, and Dr. Nova Rijati, S.Si., M.Kom., the Head of the Quality Assurance Institute at Udinus. 

Serta beberapa dosen dan tim dari Laboran Udinus turut hadir menyaksikan prosesi penyerahan sertifikat. Begitu pula dengan tamu undangan, Sales dan Operasional Support Manager PT. Sucofindo Cabang Semarang, Edi Laksono. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)